Clarifications: SPS - Digital Learning Platform

Questions and Clarifications

Below is a list of the 6 questions and clarifications relating to this opportunity.

1. Is there an incumbent supplier/service provider?

No - this is a new, first generation contract.

Last Updated : 20/08/2024

2. How many users will there be each year?

50 users

Last Updated : 20/08/2024

3. Are you looking for an organisation to support you with the procurement of a learning platform? Or are you looking to actually procure the platform itself?

SPS are looking to procure the platform and will manage the procurement process itself.

Last Updated : 20/08/2024

4. can you please clarify what's the envisaged budget?

SPS cannot disclose what budget has been envisaged for this project.

Last Updated : 20/08/2024

5. How many courses and/or elearning packages do you have?

SPS do not create our own content, we are looking for the supplier to provide a platform with content.

Last Updated : 20/08/2024

6. Do you need to provide wider services via the elearning platform?

No - SPS currently has an elearning platform for this. SPS are looking for a platform tailored directly around the needs of IT staff only.

Last Updated : 20/08/2024

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