Digital Outcomes opportunities

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334 results found in All lots

  • Sentinel Security Engineer

    Department For Work and Pensions

    No specific location (for example they can work remotely)

    Value: £650000 - £2300000

    <span style="font-weight: 400;">Access teams of 1 or more digital specialists who will provide outcome-based services under clearly defined pieces of work.</span>


    We required third-party expertise in Microsoft Sentinel skills to define, build and test security use cases in collaboration with the wider security functions defined in the operating model. These third-party engineering services will coordinate with team members across SecurePlace, Comms and Collab, and SMI, as these are the key stakeholders defined in the Cyber SOC Factory Model, they are the primary contributors/users of its inputs/outputs along with various other product and operational teams to discover and prioritise security use cases achieved through analysis of data sources being ingested into our Microsoft Sentinel instance. This will ensure we have relevant mitigating controls in place for risks and control gaps defined as part of our Security Risk Management process. Following contract award, upon commission of a statement of work the Department reserves the right to hold a discussion with any workers the supplier may provide, alongside a CV review, to ensure the suitability of skills and experience of the worker. The Department therefore will reserve a right to reject a worker that it seems to not have the appropriate skills or cultural fit to deliver under the given statement of work.

  • RM1043.8-1-SANCTUARY HOUSING ASSOCIATION-Project_68463-CX_Phase 1_2024


    Yorkshire and the Humber, West Midlands, No specific location (for example they can work remotely)

    Value: £4500000 - £6300000

    <span style="font-weight: 400;">Access teams of 1 or more digital specialists who will provide outcome-based services under clearly defined pieces of work.</span>

    Closed : awaiting outcome

    Sanctuary wishes to select a preferred partner to lead in the design, development and service transition of a new customer experience platform (CXP). It is envisaged that the CXP will be developed around a new CRM implementation, integrated into and extending Sanctuary's current technical landscape - notably but not exclusively its Microsoft, SAP and Drupal technologies. After initial appraisal of technology options, Sanctuary has a working assumption that it will implement Salesforce as a preferred option for the CRM components, however this is not a fixed view. As discovery and design activities progress, Sanctuary will work with the successful partner to confirm the target architecture and specific composition of technologies that are best fit and value for Sanctuary. The successful partner must therefore have a proven track record of implementing Salesforce, and experience of integrating to/ extending SAP, Microsoft and Drupal technologies. It will be helpful if they also have experience of the UK's social housing, care or similar sectors. The CXP will have a broad footprint to support service, sales, marketing and commerce activities and enable omni-channel customer interaction as well as supporting Sanctuary staff in their direct interactions with customers - so will require appropriate experience design for all personas. The CXP must be scalable and extensible to rapidly exploit innovations in technology - for example but not limited to artificial intelligence (in its broadest sense) and the engagement with smart assistants / sensors to enhance and enrich customer outcomes. The CXP must, technically and economically, complement existing Sanctuary technologies, in particular Microsoft and SAP, and suit continuous / rapid development by internal product teams post-launch with a limited reliance on rare skills.

  • Data Assurance Architecture RM1043.8-1-HOME OFFICE



    Value: up to £19.5M

    <span style="font-weight: 400;">Access teams of 1 or more digital specialists who will provide outcome-based services under clearly defined pieces of work.</span>


    The Home Office requires a delivery partner to provide a range of data architecture and data assurance services in support of the Home Office’s and Migration and Borders Technology Portfolio’s (MBTP) data transformation programme. This Service provides Data Architecture Assurance Services, which is comprised of Data Assurance Services and Data Architecture Services (further information provided at stage 2) which cuts across multiple products and services within the MBTP portfolio. MBTP requires data to be at the forefront of the department’s mind and transforming how we create, manage, transform, store and share data is pivotal to create a data driven department. Consistency of data creation, the assurance and governance of data is pivotal to drive improvements to the way the department manages data and will mature our handling of data, data quality and the services we provide to our customers. MBTP employs agile delivery methods and project management methods (depending on the nature of the requirement), tailored to each team dependent on its maturity and the nature of the products and services in its remit. These multi-disciplinary teams operate within a common set of architectural frameworks and a shared governance structure which connect them to wider organisational objectives. The Data Architecture Assurance Service will provide the Data Designs and guidance for the projects and products within MBTP domains.

  • Prison Case Management Functionality

    Ministry Of Justice

    Yorkshire and the Humber, London, No specific location (for example they can work remotely)

    Value: up to £7000000

    <span style="font-weight: 400;">Access teams of 1 or more digital specialists who will provide outcome-based services under clearly defined pieces of work.</span>

    Closed : awaiting outcome

    Provision of one or more multidisciplinary digital teams to build new digital services to replace discrete functionality in a legacy system. May also involve the purchase of an off the shelf finance product which will require integration.

  • PRJ_11860 HMCTS MI and SDP Development

    Ministry Of Justice

    North East England, North West England, Yorkshire and the Humber, East Midlands, West Midlands, East of England, London, South East England, South West England, Scotland, Wales, Northern Ireland, No specific location (for example they can work remotely)

    Value: up to £7000000

    <span style="font-weight: 400;">Access teams of 1 or more digital specialists who will provide outcome-based services under clearly defined pieces of work.</span>


    To support the HMCTS Data Strategy Programme, a managed service provider is required to outsource data engineering and technical development services to a timescale as defined by the requirements. It will deliver the objectives of the 2021 HMCTS Data Strategy and bring the programme of work to a close. This includes: • Supporting services to manage backlogs in different jurisdictions. • Support delivery of the final stages of the HMCTS Reform Programme, which is planned to end in 2025. • Securing the benefits of the SDP by enabling the completion of migration and decommissioning of legacy data assets, delivering associated savings. • Improving our processes so that HMCTS can deliver a consistently good data service, and our staff can focus their creativity on further value-add. The service is currently being provided by 2 managed service suppliers.

  • PS/24/22 Provision of Microsoft Dynamics 365 and Power Platform Engineering Service

    Driver & Vehicle Licensing Agency


    Value: up to £5000000

    <span style="font-weight: 400;">Access teams of 1 or more digital specialists who will provide outcome-based services under clearly defined pieces of work.</span>

    Closed : awaiting outcome

    PLease see attached document 'Summary of Work'

  • Enter Learning Data, Education Record and Improved FE Sector Reporting - Dev, Testing and Delivery Management (Inside IR35)

    Department For Education

    West Midlands

    Value: up to £9875625

    <span style="font-weight: 400;">Access teams of 1 or more digital specialists who will provide outcome-based services under clearly defined pieces of work.</span>


    The programme is an initiative looking at radically transforming the Post 16 educational landscape. The project will look at how learner data is collected, processed, stored and presented back to internal and external users and how it is used by training providers to enrol learners. The main areas of work are: - • Build a single store of education data that providers, researchers, gov't departments and awarding organisations can use to upload, process, and analyse data. • MI systems linked to a single store of data that all providers can use for their day-to-day business from timetabling and lesson planning, through exam registrations/results to financial planning, performance monitoring and learner welfare. • Automated student enrolment applications that feed live data to our single education data store. • A digital interface that students can use to view their education and achievement records. • Advanced business intelligence tools to support individual providers • An Enrolment service that providers can use to record their learner data and to submit their data to DfE/ESFA for payment

  • SPS - Digital Learning Platform



    <span style="font-weight: 400;">Access teams of 1 or more digital specialists who will provide outcome-based services under clearly defined pieces of work.</span>

    Closed : cancelled

    We are seeking an online e-learning platform for IT training that enables our digital services team to access a comprehensive range of training resources for their ongoing development. This platform should allow managers to assign training that is deemed essential for roles and include features for tracking and developing a skills matrix. Additionally, it should provide access to other training materials for staff to enhance their skills in areas not classified as essential for their roles. As part of a subscription, the platform should offer all available training courses. Furthermore, the e-learning platform should extend beyond Microsoft technologies to cover all aspects of digital, including project management, leadership, and data skills. Please note that this platform will be one of several training options available to staff. They will also need to participate in ad-hoc training that may not be included in the e-learning platform, such as tailored training or classroom sessions within a blended learning approach.

  • Contracted content design service for Digital Communications Team

    Department For Education

    Yorkshire and the Humber, London, No specific location (for example they can work remotely)

    Value: up to £4900000

    <span style="font-weight: 400;">Access teams of 1 or more digital specialists who will provide outcome-based services under clearly defined pieces of work.</span>

    Closed : awaiting outcome

    The Digital Communications Team (DCT) are responsible for over 10,000 GOV.UK webpages. DCT requires a Contracted Content Design Service. It is a user-centred service core to the department’s policy and delivery, and our requirement is for a managed service contract to deliver this. We must publish content in an accessible format on GOV.UK. We are procuring a service that operates alongside and contributes to DCT’s overall content design function.

  • 002459 British Library Setup and management support for software development pipeline tools


    Yorkshire and the Humber, London, No specific location (for example they can work remotely)

    Value: £40000 - £80000

    <span style="font-weight: 400;">Access teams of 1 or more digital specialists who will provide outcome-based services under clearly defined pieces of work.</span>

    Closed : awaiting outcome

    The British Library are rebuilding our development environment with a new standardised approach, and a common tool set and processes across all our development teams. We will be using GitHub Enterprise, GitHub Advanced Security and Microsoft Azure DevOps, with our development teams using Visual Studio Enterprise. We need assistance to develop an initial configuration that is suited to our needs, and then ongoing support in daily administration and evolution of the tool for a 6 month period.

  • Enter Learning Data, Education Record and Improved FE Sector Reporting (Outside IR35)

    Department For Education

    No specific location (for example they can work remotely)

    Value: up to £7727425

    <span style="font-weight: 400;">Access teams of 1 or more digital specialists who will provide outcome-based services under clearly defined pieces of work.</span>

    Closed : awaiting outcome

    The programme is an initiative looking at radically transforming the Post 16 educational landscape. The project will look at how learner data is collected, processed, stored and presented back to internal and external users and how it is used by training providers to enrol learners. The main areas of work are: - • Build a single store of education data that providers, researchers, gov't departments and awarding organisations can use to upload, process, and analyse data. • MI systems linked to a single store of data that all providers can use for their day-to-day business from timetabling and lesson planning, through exam registrations/results to financial planning, performance monitoring and learner welfare. • Automated student enrolment applications that feed live data to our single education data store. • A digital interface that students can use to view their education and achievement records. • Advanced business intelligence tools to support individual providers • An Enrolment service that providers can use to record their learner data and to submit their data to DfE/ESFA for payment

  • Provision of Infrastructure Systems Assessments and Targeting (ISAT)

    MINISTRY OF DEFENCE - Strategic Command

    South East England

    <span style="font-weight: 400;">Access teams of 1 or more digital specialists who will provide outcome-based services under clearly defined pieces of work.</span>

    Closed : awaiting outcome

    Phase one of the programme is the development of an infrastructure systems modelling tool allowing the visualisation of the infrastructure within an AO, map the complex infrastructure inter-dependencies and allow the interrogation of the model to provide decision support to Comds at all levels.  The Authority reserves the right to place Follow On work with the Supplier as specified within the Statement of Requirements for Phase 2 &amp; 3 depending on the technical results of Phase 1.  If at the end of Phase 1 follow on work is not desirable, the Authority may wish to Terminate the Contract in accordance with the Digital Outcomes &amp; Specialist Terms &amp; Conditions.  If, however, Phase 2 is desirable, the feasibility of any additional work is subject to the Authority’s internal funding approval. Phase 2 &amp; Phase 3 work Authorisation must be exercised in writing by a Commercial Officer.  Any follow-on work carried out without the Authority’s written authorisation will be at the Supplier’s risk and the Authority will not be obliged to pay for the work. 

  • RM1043.8-1-BDUK Delivery Partner

    Department for Business, Energy & Industrial Strategy

    North West England, London, No specific location (for example they can work remotely)

    <span style="font-weight: 400;">Access teams of 1 or more digital specialists who will provide outcome-based services under clearly defined pieces of work.</span>

    Closed : awaiting outcome

    BDUK is responsible for delivering superfast broadband and mobile coverage across the UK. So, there is a need to utilise a variety of data and digital solutions to manage crucial projects like the Gigabit Programme and the Voucher Scheme, facilitating access to broadband for residents. These digital tools require ongoing maintenance, support, and development to function effectively. The summary of work pertains to support to manages these solutions such Evaluation App, data ingestion on core data services for Gigabit Infrastructure Subsidy, Urban Vouchers, Data Backbone, etc. To provide draw-down resource for these services and digital projects which ensures continued functionality and avoids disruption to critical services in addition to Production support and maintenance, upgrade-as-a-service for Vouchers solution built on Pega.

  • RM1043.8-1-ICO User Research and User Centred Design


    No specific location (for example they can work remotely)

    Value: £40000 - £80000

    <span style="font-weight: 400;">Access teams of 1 or more digital specialists who will provide outcome-based services under clearly defined pieces of work.</span>

    Closed : awaiting outcome

    The ICO’s User Centred Design (UCD) Team are looking for a supplier who can undertake a wide range of research and design activities to support them in the development of better user experience (UX), user interfaces (UI) and service design for the ICO’s website and digital services.

  • DDaT23599 /Prj_ 2969- ICS, User Research Participants


    North East England, North West England, Yorkshire and the Humber, East Midlands, West Midlands, East of England, London, South East England, South West England, Scotland, Wales, Northern Ireland

    Value: up to £337500

    <span style="font-weight: 400;">Find users with the required attributes and characteristics to test a digital product or service.</span>

    Closed : awaiting outcome

    Integrated Corporate Services, Digital requires a partner to recruit research participants from diverse backgrounds to take part in ICS Digital user research events as and when they arise, to contribute to the delivery of government services. ICS Digital work in an agile, user focused way to ensure quality services are delivered. No commitment to spend two year call-off contract to recruit participants for user research sessions for Integrated Corporate Services, Digital. With the option to extend the contract for 1 year.

  • RM1043.8-1-Government Legal Department Intranet Redevelopment - Alpha and Beta Phases

    Government Legal Department

    London, No specific location (for example they can work remotely)

    Value: £200000 - £300000

    <span style="font-weight: 400;">Access teams of 1 or more digital specialists who will provide outcome-based services under clearly defined pieces of work.</span>

    Closed : cancelled

    Delivery of the alpha and beta phases of an intranet redesign project, updating it from SharePoint Classic to SharePoint Modern.

  • HO_project_9567 Design, Build, Implement and Support a Prevent Training Portal for the Home Office Homeland Security Group


    No specific location (for example they can work remotely)

    <span style="font-weight: 400;">Access teams of 1 or more digital specialists who will provide outcome-based services under clearly defined pieces of work.</span>

    Closed : awaiting outcome

    The supplier is required to provide a training platform for trainers, to support them in providing Prevent training (either face-to-face or virtual) to staff working in sectors covered by the Prevent duty. This includes but is not limited to: education, local authorities, health, Police and criminal justice agencies. As well as providing a platform with access to learning materials to support a trainer in their delivery, the supplier will be required to provide a dedicated feedback feature for trainers, learners and Prevent Trainer Portal Leads to support the business in analysing how successful the training is and for the Home Office to improve the service based on user feedback. The supplier will also need to develop an e-learning feature where 3 skills development modules for trainers can be accessed and passed before trainers have access to resources. Please note the creation of content needed for the skills development module is not in scope, this has already been defined. The platform should also contain a community's feature, which should be an interactive space where trainers can communicate and provide support to each other and share training best practice. The supplier will need to interface with Home Office Commercial, the internal Home Office Prevent Training team and the current suppliers hosting the content for the learning platform.

  • Provision of a Data Integration Platform - 2024UoS-1334


    No specific location (for example they can work remotely)

    Value: up to £1740000

    <span style="font-weight: 400;">Access teams of 1 or more digital specialists who will provide outcome-based services under clearly defined pieces of work.</span>

    Closed : awaiting outcome

    This innovation programme involves the University of Southampton committing to the development of a Microsoft Azure data integration platform. This platform is intended to support the categorisation, governance, storage, transfer, presentation, and utilisation of data. The ultimate goal is to transition the University of Southampton towards a more responsive operational model that enhances data literacy and uniformity, fosters collaboration, enables self-service capabilities, and stimulates innovation. It is envisaged that the supplier partner will build the data integration environment within the University's current well architected Azure tenancy and to provide technical capacity to setup a best practice integration platform within our current Azure tenancy and hand this over to our internal teams in a supported structure ready for BAU operational tasks and augment the University's integration engineering and development resources. It is also anticipated that supplier resources will be available for call off as and when required during the contract. The supplier will provide a recommendation of expected delivery resources for each call off task. We expect the partner to mentor and guide the UoS team in the implementation of best practice. The supplier will provide time and resource estimates to deliver and supplement the platform and (for example) integration flows based on t-Shirt sizing. An example structure might take the form: Access to a data team for 350 guaranteed days per annum under a specific SLA to provide UoS available capacity in the team to deliver on a backlog of project initiatives relating to the data initiative. This might be made up of the following capabilities: Data Architect Data Engineer Data Analyst Data Scientist Data Integration Specialist The partner will be responsible for creation and implementation of an effective delivery methodology. The 350 guaranteed days per annum are a baseline and any unused days should be rolled-over into the next contract year, conversely the University should be able to purchase additional days if required based on an agreed rate card. The University is undertaking this project in order to deliver the following benefits: 1 Sustainability The cloud plays an essential role in helping organisations become more sustainable. It facilitates a business case for a sustainable approach by reducing the carbon footprint and associated costs while fostering the research and innovation required to build a viable future. By virtue of its architecture, the cloud can reduce carbon emissions and facilitate sustainable innovation and research. But moreover, the cloud is where massive data analysis supported by a web of data networks allows scientists to identify and discover new methods to bring about lasting social and economic change. The sustainability business case for the cloud is quite simple: it reduces the on-premises footprint with power/cooling, hardware, and compute power. 2 Staff experience The implementation of a centralised data platform is anticipated to significantly enhance the user experience for staff. This enhancement includes better analytics and reporting capabilities, facilitating improved decision-making processes. This initiative is a key component of the overarching digital transformation strategy, aiming to optimise operational efficiency and data-driven insights across the organisation. 3 Student experience Students are expected to benefit from an improved end-user experience, characterized by enhanced analytics and reporting through the centralized data platform. This advancement supports more informed decision-making and the ability to make real-time updates to data, thereby eliminating the current delays. The initiative underscores a commitment to providing a responsive and data-informed educational environment. 4 Data Protection Compliance The adoption of a centralised data access mechanism, alongside the use of reusable interfaces, will significantly improve data governance within the organisation. This approach not only streamlines data management but also ensures compliance with data protection regulations, safeguarding sensitive information and enhancing overall data security governance by central data access mechanism and reusable interfaces. This procurement seeks to secure a partner to design and deliver on the University’s aspirations.

  • RM1043.8-1-CAREER CHOICES DEWIS GYRFA LTD. Backend Development of web applications and lightweight microservices.


    No specific location (for example they can work remotely)

    Value: £0 - £1600000

    <span style="font-weight: 400;">Access teams of 1 or more digital specialists who will provide outcome-based services under clearly defined pieces of work.</span>

    Closed : awaiting outcome

    Careers Wales require a backend software engineering team with a range of technical skills and capability to develop applications and lightweight microservices that will support the delivery of product and service goals in line with the company vision, ‘Brighter Futures’. The software engineering team will also need to support existing applications and services as developed by the incumbent.

  • RM1043.8-1-Government Legal Department Legal Practice Management Alpha Phase

    Government Legal Department

    No specific location (for example they can work remotely)

    Value: £750000 - £950000

    <span style="font-weight: 400;">Access teams of 1 or more digital specialists who will provide outcome-based services under clearly defined pieces of work.</span>

    Closed : awarded

    Delivery of the alpha phase of a project to replace GLD’s existing case management system with a new legal practice management system for use across GLD.