Clarifications: Prison Case Management Functionality

Questions and Clarifications

Below is a list of the 49 questions and clarifications relating to this opportunity.

1. Has any work been undertaken to date by MoJ/HMPPS to research off-the-shelf financial products?

Not at this stage.

Last Updated : 05/08/2024

2. Does the £6-7m budget include the procurement of the selected finance product?


Last Updated : 05/08/2024

3. Is the department prepared to hold the SC clearance for individuals, where a supplier does not hold 'List X'?

"Suppliers who take individuals through SC clearance themselves will be looked upon favourably. Guidance on how to do this online can be found at It may be possible for HMPPS to conduct SC clearance for individuals working for suppliers when they join although there may be an adminstration fee charged for this service. It takes rougly 6 weeks for SC clearance. We expect the supplier to do at least BPSS clearance on all individuals who are working for the supplier. "

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4. Please confirm whether the max 750 characters applies to questions 1-5 and 1-6 respectively or does each question within them allow 750 characters.

This is 750 characters per question which also includes spaces.

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5. Attachment 3 states the supplier needs to start work on 1st November but the timetable states 13th November and 1st is contract signature.

Indicative start date is 1st of November, however we have included some flex due to the summer holidays which will likely impact evaluation activities.

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6. Please can we confirm the expected word counts for the narrative questions and whether diagrams and table count towards the total

This is 750 characters (not words) per question which also includes spaces.

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7. Q3 of the Nice-to-have skills and experience state “a complex public policy and service environment”- please confirm what you classify as a complex public policy and service environment

HMPPS sits as part of the larger MoJ organisation along with multiple other agencies and public bodies with which it interacts. Our policies and services are often cross cutting and can be subject to change based on emerging challenges and strategies associated with the wider justice system.

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8. Has there been any work done to identify potential off the shelf case management system? If yes, can you share more details on the findings? If not, does the MoJ expect the case management functionality to be built from scratch?

"Prisons and prisoner management is a specialist undertaking and our strategy is to in-house this and we have already made significant progress in developing the key services needed. It is important to bear in mind however that the primary focus of this contract is to address the requirements of prisoner finances. It is currently believed that this displays many similarities to closed loop bank so it would not be surprising to find that proposals include solutions which lean towards this."

Last Updated : 05/08/2024

9. Is the budget earmarked for this procurement, solely allocated to building the case management workflows for replacing the Financials part of the legacy case management system or does it also include the cost of procuring an off the shelf finance product?

The budget also includes the cost to procure an off the shelf finance product.

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10. Has MoJ decided on the potential release timelines? When does the MoJ expect the financials system to be live?

The Discovery will highlight the work that needs to be done (build v buy) and we will build the timeline from there. However, we hope to deliver incrementally over the next 2 years.

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11. With respect to the front end and back end technical landscape preferences provided in the HMPPS technology stack, there are off the shelf case management solutions that are built using these/ similar technologies, would you be okay to consider these platforms?

"Prisons and prisoner management is a specialist undertaking and our strategy is to in-house this and we have already made significant progress in developing the key services needed. With regards to a Prisoner Finance solution which is the primary focus of this contract however, if a COTS product can be sourced which addresses requirements and represents good value for money, it will be given due consideration."

Last Updated : 05/08/2024

12. The questionnaire has two sections- 1. Essential skills and experience and 2. Nice-to-have skills and experience. There are 5 questions in section 1 and 6 questions in section 2. There is only one box given for response with a 750-character limit. We have the below queries related to responding - 1. Do we have to write responses to all questions from a section within the 750-character limit? Or does each question response have a 750-character limit? 2. Do we have to respond in a single answer box provided in the document?

Each question from a section must be within the 750 character limit. You can respond in the single box but clearly marking what questions you are responding to.

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13. Can you please share the other areas of the NOMIS system which HMPPS plan on replacing in the future after financials

Not agreed as yet. There are a number of options.

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14. Does MoJ/HMPPS have any preference towards attributes of off-the-shelf financial products/suppliers?

Its difficult to know what is meant by attributes in this question. If COTS products form part of the solution, the suppliers of those products will be scrutinized to ensure they align with UK government and MOJ guidelines on procurement of products and services. If we buy a product, it will require integration with our existing staff and prisoner facing services.

Last Updated : 05/08/2024

15. What are the other areas of functionality to be delivered and replaced in the legacy system, following the initial financial piece of work?

Not agreed as yet. There are a number of options.

Last Updated : 05/08/2024

16. Is there an existing incumbent supplier for the provision of digital services in HMPPS?

We work with a number of suppliers in Justice Digital and also have a substantial in-house development capability. There is no existing team looking at the prisoner finances aspect however; aside from some formative discovery work performed a year or so ago, this project is starting from scratch.

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17. Please can you confirm if the 750 character count is per individual question (11 questions in total)?

This is 750 characters per question which also includes spaces.

Last Updated : 05/08/2024

18. The response template has 2 empty boxes in (1 for essential skills and experience and 1 for nice to have skills and experience) - should we enter all responses relating to the 5 essential skills and experience questions and 6 nice to have skills and experience questions in the two boxes respectively?

Yes please, and separate out the individual questions within those boxes.

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19. Will the finance product be purchased separately through HMPPS or will it be purchased through the supplier?

If a "buy" approach is deemed to be the most appropriate or if a build approach uses licensed products or services, HMPPS would prefer to license these directly from their suppliers.

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20. Given data standardisation is part of your overarching goals, is there a known data model, governance framework, or already existing data products/reporting you are keen to include as part of this product? 

"GDS Service Standard - HMPPS mainly hosts digital solutions in AWS and whilst this is not a pre-requisite, AWS hosting will be looked upon favourably as it makes integration with HMPPS's existing IT landscape simpler. The programme the project is an element of is well underway and significant work has been completed in defining the overall architectural principles, functional boundaries and data domains. The prisoner finances solution must align to this work to ensure that it integrates into programme as a whole. Similarly, a strategic reporting solution is already in place for this programme with which the prisoner finance solution must integrate to enable holisitic and cross-functional mgmt insights to be obtained."

Last Updated : 05/08/2024

21. Are you able to provide documentation on the "HMPPS way" as part of the bid materials, please? 

"The source code for in-house built products is available from A high level architectural blueprint for HMPPS products focussing very much on bespoke-built solutions can be found from"

Last Updated : 05/08/2024

22. Is the expected end date governed by an external dependency? 

Delivery timescales are governed by the need to remove functionality and data out of NOMIS as soon as possible (and prevent further costs arising related to this system).

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23. Has any work been done to date to prepare to replace the legacy finance solution in NOMIS? If so, what has been done and please can you share any documentation?

A short investigation into current processes was carried out some time ago however, this needs to be revisited and built upon when we commence Discovery activity. This will be shared with suppliers at a later stage.

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24. Given that the service will connect prisoners and family members sending them money, are there plans to engage citizens in the development?

"There is an existing product enabling friends and family to send prisoners money - see HMPPS is not looking to replace that product. This project is more looking at how we handle the money once it is in prisoner's accounts. It is unlikely that this project will need to engage directly with members of the general public although it is perfectly possible that it will need to engage with prisoners. Also see answer to question on payment gateways."

Last Updated : 05/08/2024

25. Please can I check if there will be a second round of clarification questions for stage 2 - the timeline mention?

Yes there will be the opportunity to ask clarification questions for the suppliers invited to stage 2

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26. Can you give any indication of other areas of functionality likely to be in scope after Financials?

Not agreed as yet. There are a number of options.

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27. Have the MOJ looked at the Technology market for off the shelf financial products either via EOI or vendor demonstrations? If so, can the MOJ share the technologies reviewed and their thoughts on suitability?

No, this will form part of the Discovery requirements for the supplier.

Last Updated : 05/08/2024

28. Can the MOJ confirm if resources from Europe and India can be considered for this programme so long as they hold the right clearance?

It is unlikely as we are currently unable to ship MoJ Digital devices out of the UK and it is way too early in the work to understand if near shore teams could be used for development (as we don’t know if we are buying a COTS product with integration or doing a bespoke build.

Last Updated : 05/08/2024

29. Does the MOJ have an agreed team structure and role responsibility it would use for projects of this nature and if so can this be shared?

In-house team structure is strongly influenced by the GDS service standard - although this is heavily biased towards the needs of bespoke-build development.

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30. What will be required at the start of contract – will there be a pilot and/or phased approach?

A GDS Discovery will be carried out by the project team in the early stages of this project. This will inform the approach taken.

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31. Does HMPPS want a fully integrated case management system across all aspects of the service or are there any elements that HMPPS would want to be ringfenced?

In the first instance, HMPPS is looking for a solution to address the requirements of prisoner finances.

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32. Does the MOJ have a documented knowledge transfer process or will you allow the chosen provider to use their knowledge transfer process?

MOJ/HMPPS does not have a documented handover process. The handover process and topics covered by it will need to be agreed between the supplier and HMPPS.

Last Updated : 05/08/2024

33. Does the MOJ have an integration layer technology identified for the integration work or would this be part of the selection process?

HMPPS uses REST APIs and AWS SNS & SQS services to integrate products. It is expected that the proposed solution will also use or connect to these technologies for integration

Last Updated : 05/08/2024

34. What externally managed systems currently interact with the NOMIS system that HMPPS envision the future solution interacting with?

HMPPS's future for prisoner case management is the in-house developed system Digital Prisons Services (DPS). Integration with DPS is possible via REST APIs and event driven functionality triggered using AWS SNS & SQS services.

Last Updated : 05/08/2024

35. Will HMPPS use a payment gateway? have a preferred payment gateway? We currently use WorldPay but can use stripe etc

"It is current perceived that prisoner finance requirements shares many similarities with closed loop finances. It is possible for friends/family to give money to prisoners using the Send money to prisoner service - The prisoner finances solution will need to integrate with this service. There is no known restriction on what payment gateway is used for this but the costs of any resulting changes to the Send Prison Money service must be borne by this project."

Last Updated : 05/08/2024

36. If this system is the data's source of truth, how will you ensure it is interoperable with current systems or is there a plan to phase out multiple systems' use?

A key requirement of this project is to take over prisoner finance from the legacy system (NOMIS). How this transition takes place is to be proposed by the supplier.

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37. "You've requested a system which is easy to change - would these changes be carried out by HMPPS or the supplier or a mixture of both?"

For the duration of this contract, the supplier will be expected to make these changes.

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38. "Is there a need to import the historic data, what level of historic data is currently held and are there any restrictions on how this data must be held moving forward? "

Account balances and transaction histories must be migrated into the new prisoner finance system and held in such a way as to ensure they are as visible as they would be if they originated in the new system.

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39. How does HMPPS envision the new system handling PO order, cash etc.?

We have no pre-conceived ideas on this - it is down to the supplier to propose approaches and solutions

Last Updated : 05/08/2024

40. "We already have a 2-way integration with NOMIS - What changes if any are desired by HMPPS to the current integrations? "

The primary focus of this contract is to implement a prisoner finances solution. How and if integration takes place with the legacy system currently covering prisoner finances (NOMIS) must be addressed by the supplier as part of this contract

Last Updated : 05/08/2024

41. Will this be rolled out to all HMPPS and Private prisons?


Last Updated : 05/08/2024

42. Experience of evaluating and integrating off the shelf products." In this context do you only refer to off the shelf finance systems or wider products as well? Could you provide more information on the type of products you expect to within scope?

"This contract is primarily concerned with the provision of a solution to handle prisoner finances. It is currently thought that there will be COTS products which address this need. If this is borne out to be true, experience of evaluating, commissioning and integrating COTS products - especially finance/banking systems is of interest."

Last Updated : 05/08/2024

43. "Delivering significant operational impact by improving, rationalising and/or standardising reporting services and processes within an organisation" Is software development reporting activities included in this or just reporting on services and processes for the digital service(s) itself ?

This bullet should have been removed… this does not apply to this particular contract… Please accept our apologies for the confusion.

Last Updated : 05/08/2024

44. What APIs will need to be built to swap information with the systems?

The HMPPS standard is to use REST APIs to exchange information with other systems. Event-driven processing is accomplished using AWS SNS and SQS services.

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45. Any indication of what & how many other areas of functionality (hubs) that need to be replaced (after financials)?

Not at this stage. There are a number of options.

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46. Can the product & technical strategies be shared? Is there any relevant information in them relating to approaches, or how the various functionalities may need to be split across different services or systems?

Yes and this is encouraged between HMPPS and its suppliers and between suppliers.

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47. "Would this work also cover replacement of existing infrastructure or databases (including migration of data), or do the existing ones need to remain in place and be leveraged by any new services/applications"

All systems which this solution will integrate with are cloud-hosted so the concept of infrastructure and database re-use does not hold. Databases and infrastructure used by existing systems cannot be re-used for this solution but must remain in place to keep those systems operational. They can of course be integrated with to help progress the proposed prisoner finances solution.

Last Updated : 05/08/2024

48. Experience within the prisons and probation environment." Are you referring to experience from a user perspective, i.e. the challenges and personas involved within prisons and probation environment and/or experience from a digital perspective, the current systems and user journeys within prison and probation digital services?

All relevant experience will be considered.

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49. Point of clarification - "Case Management System"

"For the purposes of this questionnaire, when we say ’Case Management System', we mean NOMIS - the legacy prisons case management system. Our assumption is, the prisoner finance solution will be an 'all buy or 'partial buy' - rather than building a finance product from scratch. However, our Discovery will dictate exactly what is required once adequate research has been carried out by the team. This document provides information regarding money in prison:"p

Last Updated : 05/08/2024

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