Clarifications: RM1043.8-1-Cornwall Council - Digital Champions Programme Management

Questions and Clarifications

Below is a list of the 12 questions and clarifications relating to this opportunity.

1. We note the requirement to answer the questions within a maximum of 750 characters including spaces. Can you please clarify if the limit applies at section level or question level? i.e. Within the 'Essential skills and experience' section, there are three questions - is our limit 750 characters inc. spaces across all three questions, or 2,250 characters?

750 characters for each question/description.

Last Updated : 16/09/2024

2. What are the current identified training needs and skills gaps?

Part of the project ask is to work with service leads and employees to identify needs and gaps. However preliminary work suggests confidence / curiosity in general is low. In terms of products most training requests are round SharePoint, with Teams and Excel running a close second.

Last Updated : 16/09/2024

3. Who is the key sponsor or business decision maker for this programme?

Chloe Rickard, Digital Future Academy Lead. SRO is Ben Rom, Service Director for Innovation & Digital

Last Updated : 16/09/2024

4. Has Cornwall Council identified potential Champion Leads? Has Cornwall understood that Champion Leads will need to be appointed to ensure the Champions Community is maintained?

We have a full time Digital Academy Coordinator who will take on the day to day liaison with the provider. There are a group of officers who were named digital champions but this network is inactive. We have also had requests from people who would be interested in joining the new programme. Within this group there will be people who have more capacity and interest who could take a leading role. However we don't necessarily envisage additional Leads within the network itself.

Last Updated : 16/09/2024

5. Will the recruitment process be internal or external or both?

This is an internal digital champions programme.

Last Updated : 16/09/2024

6. What update channel are Cornwall Council on, and are their M365 apps up to date?

We use Teams and Viva Engage. M365 is up to date and we are currently migrating to Windows 11

Last Updated : 16/09/2024

7. Do Cornwall Council use SharePoint for their intranet?

Some services have migrated to SharePoint

Last Updated : 16/09/2024

8. What kind of technical support will be provided for both M365 and Power Platform services?

Minimal day to day technical support through IS support channels. If significant support is anticipated this needs to be built into the costs.

Last Updated : 16/09/2024

9. Is there any funding available to reward/recognise Digital Champions?

Sadly not at this stage.

Last Updated : 16/09/2024

10. What else is in place apart from installing the Power Platform CoE? E.g., policies, guidelines, configurations?

We have a Power Platform strategy and policies around use, which sit alongside our data and cyber policies.

Last Updated : 16/09/2024

11. Are there any specific desired competencies for the Citizen developers to attain, apart from "using tools"

The intended outcome is productivity gains through production and use of automation.

Last Updated : 16/09/2024

12. Could we please ask what proportion of the digital champion support do you expect to be delivered on-site and what proportion delivered remotely? Thank you!

We expect the majority of the programme to be delivered remotely. If you feel it is useful to be on site for some parts of the project then that would need to be included in the proposal and reflected in the budget.

Last Updated : 16/09/2024

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