Questions and Clarifications

Below is a list of the 31 questions and clarifications relating to this opportunity.

1. Have you undertaken any pre-market engagement with suppliers.


Last Updated : 29/05/2024

2. Is there an incumbent?


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3. Are you expecting pricing to be provided by 4 June?


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4. Functional Requirements - F1.14 - Can you provide more detail on what you mean by 'link' when referencing other solutions in use within LCH? Is this linking by means of sign-posting or integration with (passing data to from)?

Links to other solutions external to the website, such as a click through to NHS111. No data transfer.

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5. Are you looking for a bespoke or off-the-shelf product?

Please submit your response to best fit our requirements

Last Updated : 24/05/2024

6. Functional Requirements - F1.26 - "...allow users to open emails to service email addresses directly from their contact information sections" - By this, do you mean opening a users email client when clicking on an email address shown on a contact page, with the 'To' address pre-populated?


Last Updated : 29/05/2024

7. Could you share the budget available for the project?

We do not have an indicative budget. Please submit your best price to meet our requirements.

Last Updated : 22/05/2024

8. DTAC is usually for a developed/complete solution, rather than something that is done prior to design and development (eg we can't complete clinical risk activities on a product that does not exist yet). How should we approach these questions? Or are you seeking suppliers that have a ready made product that requires no development and just configuration (eg commercial off the shelf, COTS)?

There are options in the responses to state ‘Not Applicable’ and you can free text into the Supplier Response column to provide additional information relating your specific solution/s.

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9. Is this a public facing (anonymous access) site? Is there any authenticated access required?

Our requirement is for a public facing website with no authentication required for those accessing our published information. Authentication will be requirement for staff with administration rights to maintain the website contents and links, etc.

Last Updated : 22/05/2024

10. For Stage 1 do you require the full spreadsheet to be completed or just the Gateway requirements tab.

Complete and submit the full requirements spreadsheet. The Gateway questions will be used to determine whether an evaluation of the full submission is conducted.

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11. The project timeline of 4 months is a MUST requirement. Is there any flex on this - that seems tight for discovery. design, build, test and go live. Is there any flex on this?

The 4 months stated is a preferred timeline from award of contract. If you feel this is not achievable, please provide details in your response for justification.

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12. Please may Leeds Community Healthcare NHS Trust advise if they have a full scope and requirements? Documents detailing every department and pieces of functionality that they wanted to develop and implement.

We know who our services and departments are. Known functionalities are in the requirements spreadsheet provided in the tender documents.  Each service page will need a design phase to ensure the pages are user friendly for that particular service need though.

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13. Do you have a preferred CMS for the website? E.g. WordPress?

We do not have a preference, therefore provide your recommendations. Currently we use SeeCMS.

Last Updated : 24/05/2024

14. Given it was only confirmed last week that the entire PIH Requirements spreadsheet needs to be completed and submitted by June 4, 2024, could commissioners consider extending the submission deadline? Given the extensive nature of the task, with over 100 questions requiring detailed responses of up to 500 words each, and considering the recent UK bank holiday, an extension would greatly help ensure thorough and accurate completion.

There will be no extension of the submission deadline.

Last Updated : 28/05/2024

15. Where question answer options are Yes/No/Not Applicable, if the response is Yes or Not Applicable, are bidders are still required to complete the detailed narrative of up to 500 words?

Bidders are invited to complete additional narrative to expand on any of the 'Yes/No/Not Applicable' answer options, to support their response.

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16. With regards to the Nice-to-have skills and experience response, in the Responses to Essential and Nice-to-have skills and experience document, can you please clarify whether this relates to all of the non-MUST have requirements in the PIH Requirements Spreadsheet?

The nice-to-have skills and experience relates to the requirements categorised as Could.

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17. In the Functional Requirement tab, for question F1.14, could you provide specific details on the types of self-management apps currently in use within LCH, and clarify the key functionalities?

We do not currently utilise any Selfcare Apps, this is an area of development within our organisation. However, this could be something like access to NHS App or NHS 111 in its basic form.

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18. In the Functional Requirement tab, for question F1.27, could you clarify whether the Patient Information Hub should allow users to simply place orders for equipment or medication to be collected during their visit, or if there is also a need to integrate a payment gateway for processing payments, which would require additional functionality for shipping, tracking orders, and managing deliveries

There will not be a requirement to provide a payment gateway. F1.27 is categorised as Could. Please describe any relevant functionality you have.

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19. G5.1 and G5.2 Reporting - Can you elaborate on what data you would like to report on/have direct access to? Is this survey response data?

Usage data, such as website views, clicks through to internal and external pages.

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20. Functional Requirements - F2.10 - What data would you like to see on a live dashboard report?

Usage / access figures.

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21. Functional Requirements - F1.28 - event booking - are these free to attend events? Are the events managed by LCH? Will the events be ticketed? Will the events have a maximum number of places available? Will users be able to cancel their event booking?

F1.28 is categorised as Could. Please describe any relevant functionality you have. An option maybe to utilise a booking solution, such as Eventbrite.

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22. Functional Requirements - F1.28 - event booking - would booking onto clinics or other clinical operations be included in this requirement? If so, is there a need to integrate with TPP or any clinical scheduling system?


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23. Functional Requirements - F1.27 and F1.28 - both these requirements will require a user to have an 'account'. Do you have an existing system where these user accounts should be created, or where we will need to link accounts to, particularly in relation to the ordering of equipment or medication?

F1.27 & F1.28 requirements will not require user accounts.

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24. Functional Requirements - F2.8 - What KPI's are you looking to report against? We will need to make sure the relevant data is captured in order to report on it?

The requirement asks for a description of how your solution will provide KPI reports, not what KPIs you will be reporting.

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25. Functional Requirements - F2.11 - Is this referring to usage of accessibility tools by end users, for example screen readers, or the usage of accessibility tools by the supplier in the development of the solution, for example "axe DevTools" or SiteImprove.

Use of accessibility tools by supplier.

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26. The timeline indicated for go live of 3-4 months is indicated as a must have requirement, however in the previous responses to CQs there seems to be some flexibility – is that correct and if so will this be changed on the requirements to reflect that this is not a must have requirement?

If you feel the timescale is not achievable, please provide details in your response for justification.

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27. Can you confirm and be specific on what is expected at stage 1 – in the about the procurement doc and statement of requirements, it states that bidders should answer essential and nice to have questions akin to a DoS 1 stage response. However, these have not been included and seems to have been replaced with Gateway Requirements. Is this correct? However, in a latest CQ it says bidders need to complete all sections of the requirements spec xls. Is this correct, given most of this normally forms part of stage 2 and in your evaluation it states that technical, cultural and social value will form part of stage 2.

Stage 1 is completion and submission of all information tabs within the Requirements spreadsheet. Stage 2 is supplier presentation / solution demo.

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28. From the delivery timescales (3-4 months), this seems to favour a COTS solution that can be configured to meet your requirements. Based on the budget and delivery timescales is this your preference?

Please submit your response to best fit our requirements.

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29. Are you able to share a budget range for the initial Discovery, design and development and then ongoing support?

We do not have an indicative budget. Please submit your best price to meet our requirements.

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30. You have asked if the bidder can show evidence of previous NHS experience. Can you confirm if you would accept evidence of previous broader healthcare experience, not specifically NHS?


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31. The PIH spreadsheet is quite restrictive, in that diagrams and pictures cannot be included to illustrate what is a predominantly visual service. Do tenderers have to use the PIH spreadsheet or can we submit a proposal in Word or PDF format?

Please insert evidence documents into the requirements spreadsheet as attachments. Alternatively, or in addition, provide a zip file with your bid submission containing evidence documents clearly referenced with the relevant requirement.

Last Updated : 29/05/2024