Procurement details: CORTISONE Deployed Tactical Application Development

1. Context and requirements

Terms and acronyms

Summary of work

Background This requirement is for the provision of healthcare application development expertise to deliver outcomes in support of a wider project under Programme Cortisone. The outcome of this project within the programme is the development of an alpha lightweight tactical application platform, suitable for both Android Devices and Windows tablet use. This project will leverage open standards, including OpenEHR to persist information and HL7 FHIR to transmit data as a minimum. All development is to be well documented with potential sharing and reuse in mind. This work will support a project-level make vs. buy analysis for the capabilities required from this application. It is anticipated that the outcomes for this requirement will be delivered by an application development team that could be composed of similar roles described below: - Technical Lead – to lead the development team in the analysis, technical designs and development sprints needed to achieve outcomes. - UI/UX/Service Design Lead – support analysis and develop application UI designs to meet UX goals. - A specified number of full stack software developers to support outcomes. Note: This requirement excludes other elements of the project, which will be delivered by Buyer staff or other subcontracts. These include wider project management, solution architectures, data models, full technical designs and managing stakeholders. Outcomes - Mobilisation: 0-1 weeks from project kick-off: - Mobilise and integrate development team with the wider application project team. - Onboard onto development platform, establish analysis and design information requirements. Analysis and Design: 2 weeks from mobilisation: - UX/UI Design: Deliver a report which (1) assesses the current technical design work and principles of the current proof-of-concept (POC) application, and (2) defines the UX and UI design principles for the new application. - Code Review: Conduct a code review of the POC application and identify any potential re-use opportunities. - Application technical design: with team members, collaborate to develop a specific application technical design including the key reusable design principles and the related underpinning assumptions. - Wireframe and UI Development: In collaboration with other team members, develop an initial new application User Interface wireframe, outlining the underpinning repeatable User Experience (UX) patterns to support feature development at scale. - Continuous Automation, Testing, and Deployment Strategy: Deliver a plan to manage continuous automation, testing and deployment. Iterative Management: - Development: Conduct software development activities as agreed with the Project Manager, utilising the Kotlin development framework, across a series of iterations/sprints. - Iteration/sprint scope will be defined by the project team and is expected to confirm users, workflows (that could include login, review of care records, consultation data capture, clinical templates, data transfers and integration etc) and features to guide dynamic development of the application. - Development will utilise open standards and the project will utilise data persistence via high-performance openEHR compliant database technologies. Development work will utilise Github practices and documentation to support knowledge transfer. This project phase will utilise synthetic patient data only. - Management Outputs: The project will be managed by the Buyer utilising Scaled Agile Framework. The supplier will report on progress against the required outcomes with end-of-iteration/sprint reporting. Project Closedown: - Conduct knowledge transfer and next steps planning activities. Programme Support As part of the wider project, the supplier is required to support the following activities relating to the wider project outcomes: - Iteration/sprint management: Track, manage and report on development capacity and velocity. - Development Platform: Manage the maintenance requirements of the supporting development platform (technical issue resolution, maintenance tickets, technical assurance requirements). - Application Development Roadmaps: Provide input to application development roadmaps, including the identification of clinical integration opportunities.

Where the supplied staff will work

No specific location (for example they can work remotely)

Who the organisation using the products or services is

The following users/organisations are the intended users of the future capability: - Frontline Medical Personnel within Strategic Command and Front-Line Commands

Why the work is being done

This project forms part of the wider Programme CORTISONE - Programme Cortisone - GOV.UK ( Programme CORTISONE is a suite of digital medical / healthcare services and products delivered to Defence Medical Services (DMS) by the Defence Digital MedIS delivery team. The aim of Programme CORTISONE is to deliver an integrated ecosystem of medical information services to DMS. Its vision is to deliver ‘a sustainable, integrated, cohesive and enduring information capability that will fully and effectively support the delivery of evidence-based medical and healthcare outputs, to achieve the aim of the Defence Medical Services. The primary role of DMS is to Promote, Protect and Restore the health of the UK armed forces to ensure that they are ready and medically fit to go wherever they are required in the UK and throughout the world. This will enable better patient outcomes and contribute to DMS resource optimisation, with the aim of maximising the number of personnel fit for role for Defence. It will deliver access to, and exploitation of, clinical records across the Firmbase and Deployed operating environments. The term Firmbase refers to all healthcare and associated Med IS undertaken across the UK and permanent locations across the world. Deployed refers to the provision of healthcare on Operations, Exercises and Defence Tasks away from ‘Firmbase’ installations, both on land and at sea. Connectivity on deployments cannot always be relied upon and software solutions must be able to work disconnected for extended periods of time and then safely re-synchronise data to maintain the master patient record. Disconnected applications should be deployable onto a wider range of military CIS infrastructure and should also be configured to allow for data capture in challenging low resource environments and deliver point to point data transfer even when disconnected. This work is required as the legacy electronic patient record system is nearing the end of its in-service life and this experimentation is critical to support the delivery of a new, clinically safe, digitised healthcare software solution for UK Defence.

The business problem

This specific project relates to the Deployed Information Services. Medical information Services (MEDIS) must be available in all environments where the DMS is delivering healthcare – from the firm base, through fixed bases around the world, to all types of deployments. MedIS should be scalable and capable of functioning disconnected for extended periods with subsequent synchronisation, to meet the variable capability requirements at different locations. Services should also be integrated and cohesive to avoid duplication of effort and wasting valuable clinical time. There should be a single source of truth for each information item. The CORTISONE ecosystem will enable healthcare and information captured in all types of deployed environments from primary care to deployed hospitals, in current and future systems, to be integrated. The CORTISONE ecosystem will connect current and future systems which record and communication healthcare information during Medical Evaluation (MEDEVAC) e.g. patient tracking, clinical records, triage, first responder information and clinical decision support.

The people who will use the product or service

User type

Healthcare Practitioners – General Practioners, Junior Doctors, Registered Nurses, Paramedics and Medical Assistants


I need to: Deploy overseas at short notice with the ability to utilise clinical software that allows me to review a patient's history, record a consultation, capture pre-determined clinical information in templates, work completely disconnected and transfer this data for safe storage. This software would be accessible to practitioners working in the delivery of primary medical care and pre-hospital emergency care. So that I can: Safely manage the health and wellbeing of the deployed force, on global deployments and ensure that the clinical information is handled correctly in line with clinical safety and security requirements.

Any pre-market engagement done

Work done so far

Discovery activities across key user groups and stakeholders in Army, Navy and Air have taken place in order to understand the current state and future state needs, along with the different ways of working and operational needs. In addition, the following clinically led and developed proof of concepts have been undertaken. These activities have helped to inform the approach and requirements, and can be used for onboarding and to help shape the Alpha deliverables: - Pre-Hospital Emergency Care digital voice scribe for concurrent, hands-free documentation - Digitising medical notes in the field using Optical Character Recognition - Novel interface generation - On device terminology server - Medical logistics - International Patient Summary Data transfer via NFC and generative QR code technologies - Use of Power Apps for deployed healthcare management tasks - Remote telemedicine provision

Which phase the project is in


Existing team

Project Manager – To oversee the successful delivery of the project and associated milestones. Working with teams and suppliers across Defence Digital and Defence Medical Services. Clinical lead(s) – Representing the voice of the user, to describe requirements and information needs in the development of the platform. The primary point of contact for clinical issues and acting as the bridge between healthcare professionals across Army, Navy and Air. Ensuring a clinically led, user centred approach throughout the project. Clinical Safety Officer – Ensuring clinical safety considerations are factored in from the outset of the development of the application, whilst providing clear guidance in the steps and evidence required to align with NHS DCB129 and DCB 160 standards. Enterprise Architect – Defining the architectural strategy for the broader Cortisone Deployed Sub-programme and ensuring architectural cohesion. Solution Architect – Working with the supplier to design and oversee the implementation of the application whilst ensuring alignment to the enterprise architecture Test Lead - Working with the project team to dynamically develop test scripts for agile user testing and provision development reports and feedback.

Address where the work will be done

The majority of work will be conducted remotely. Occasional face-to-face meetings or workshops may be conducted at one of the following three locations, or other customer locations within the UK as required: Ministry of Defence Corsham Wiltshire SN13 9NR United Kingdom Defence Medical Services Whittington Barracks Lichfield Staffordshire WS14 9PY Ministry of Defence Main Building Whitehall Horse Guards Avenue London SW1A 2HB

Working arrangements

We expect that the supplier will work remotely for activities relating to this project. The supplier may be required to attend occasional face-to-face meetings at other locations (e.g kick-off meeting, and onboarding/knowledge sharing), which may include Lichfield, Corsham or London plus other locations for user testing. Expenses for any face-to-face meetings will be capped at a reasonable amount for the duration of the contract. All travel and subsistence will require prior approval.

Security and vetting requirements

Baseline Personnel Security Standard (BPSS)

More information about the Security requirements

The supplier must adhere to software engineering security best practices in accordance with industry frameworks/standards. This contract will be subject to DEFCON 658 and has been assessed as "Low" under the cyber risk assessment process, and is subject to DEFSTAN 05-138. More information will be provided under stage 2. This requirement will be subject to a Security Aspects Letter outlining the responsibilities of the supplier. This will be shared during stage 2.

Latest start date

14 November 2024

Expected contract length

Contract length

0 years 6 months 0 days

Optional extension

0 years 3 months 0 days

Special terms and conditions

special term or condition

Standard MOD DEFCONs will apply to the call-off contract. These will be specified in the order form.


Indicative maximum


Indicative minimum

The contract value is not specified by the buyer

Further information

Contracted out service or supply of resource?

Supply of resource: the off-payroll rules may apply

2. Assessment criteria

How many suppliers to evaluate


Technical Competence


Cultural fit


Social values




Technical competence

Essential skills and experience


Nice-to-have skills and experience


Technical questions


Essential skills and experience


Full-stack development across Android and Windows based devices utilising the Kotlin application development framework and Scaled Agile Framework (SAFe) and other industry standards.




Demonstrable recent experience with developing applications utilising OpenEHR compliant Clinical Development Repositories.




Demonstrable recent experience of clinical integration utilising industry recognised open standards.




Demonstrable recent experience of the use of high-performance database technologies.




Experience delivering applications by providing UX/UI leadership for deployment within a clinical environment.



Nice-to-have skills and experience


Secured offline operation of applications, with synchronisation when possible, over intermittently-available networks of varying bandwidth and technologies.




Experience with the International Patient Summary data standard.



Technical questions


Please describe how your team would approach the development of a healthcare application using OpenEHR standards. Your response should include an outline of the technical solution, your approach to full-stack development, and how your team will ensure compliance with healthcare data standards, security, and integration requirements. Your answer should address the project requirements and each of the required and optional technical skills and experience.




Describe the tools, technologies, and development frameworks that you plan to use.




Describe how you will collaborate with stakeholders (primarily the clinician user group) to rapidly and iteratively develop and adjust based on user feedback.




OpenEHR experience – Evidence of demonstrable in-depth knowledge and experience of working with OpenEHR to ensure interoperability, clinical data modeling, and adherence to standards.




Describe (1) How you adhere to software engineering security best practices and outline the common frameworks/standards you are aligned to; and (2) How you will approach the Kotlin Mobile Application Secure Coding Practices within the development activities.



Cultural fit questions


Please describe how your team will work collaboratively with our organisation and clinician users to support and engage them during the development of the application. Include examples from past projects where you have successfully integrated your team with client teams and external stakeholders.



Social value questions


Describe the steps that your organisation takes to support in-work progression to help people, including those from disadvantaged or minority groups, to move into higher paid work by developing new skills relevant to the contract.




Describe the steps that you organisation takes to support educational attainment relevant to the contract, including training schemes that address skills gaps and result in recognised qualifications.



Pricing model

Capped time and materials

Additional assessment methods

Case study

Question and answer session details

How suppliers will be scored


Not met




The response does not meet any of the requirements or no response has been provided. An unacceptable and / or non-compliant response with serious reservations, demonstrating no understanding of the requirement.


Partially met




The response has met some, but not all elements of the requirement, which poses risk that the proposal will not meet the deliverables required. The response does not demonstrate a full understanding of the requirement posing major concerns.






The response is acceptable and meets all the basic requirements. However, the response is not sufficiently detailed to minimise risk and / or the proposed approach may require additional support (in addition to that outlined in the Statement of Requirements) from the Contracting Authority to meet its deliverables.






The response exceeds requirements, providing detail that minimises risks to delivery. The response is comprehensive and unambiguous, demonstrating a thorough understanding of the requirements and providing details of how the requirement will be met in full without additional support from the Contracting Authority, other than that outlined within the Statement of Requirements.

3. Timeline

Publication of stage 1


Clarification period closes

25/09/2024 16:00

Deadline for suppliers to submit their stage 1 responses

02/10/2024 16:00