Procurement details: Enter Learning Data, Education Record and Improved FE Sector Reporting (Outside IR35)

1. Context and requirements

Terms and acronyms

Term or acronym

• SLD - Submit Learner Data • ELD - Enter learning data • ILR - Individualised Learner Record • ESFA - Education & Skills Funding Agency • CI/CD - Continuous integration/Continuous Development


• SLD - Submit Learner Data • ELD - Enter learning data • ILR - Individualised Learner Record • ESFA - Education & Skills Funding Agency • CI/CD - Continuous integration/Continuous Development

Summary of work

The programme is an initiative looking at radically transforming the Post 16 educational landscape. The project will look at how learner data is collected, processed, stored and presented back to internal and external users and how it is used by training providers to enrol learners. The main areas of work are: - • Build a single store of education data that providers, researchers, gov't departments and awarding organisations can use to upload, process, and analyse data. • MI systems linked to a single store of data that all providers can use for their day-to-day business from timetabling and lesson planning, through exam registrations/results to financial planning, performance monitoring and learner welfare. • Automated student enrolment applications that feed live data to our single education data store. • A digital interface that students can use to view their education and achievement records. • Advanced business intelligence tools to support individual providers • An Enrolment service that providers can use to record their learner data and to submit their data to DfE/ESFA for payment

Where the supplied staff will work

No specific location (for example they can work remotely)

Who the organisation using the products or services is

Why the work is being done

User Research on earlier projects highlighted challenges we could address on learner enrolment, data collection and real-time reporting. • Cyber-attacks are a constant global and domestic threat actors and are increasing in frequency and variation. • Much of the data asked of students at enrolment is already available within the DfE, collecting this data multiple times increases costs significantly for the sector and adds to provider burden. We want to streamline the journey from school to FE, ensuring students are on the right course with the right level of support. • We think there is an approach that could allow individuals and providers a simpler journey through the enrolment process. • Demand for more timely data has increased, the pandemic has shown we need to understand student population behaviour better

The business problem

A new Learner Enrolment Service to simplify the enrolment and data input journey - offering real time validation, reducing data duplication, offering links to other online services. • Improved feedback through data dashboards and reporting, focusing on content, timeliness and availability. • A mobile app that includes a set of verified credentials that can be shared with further education organisations: o Students lose their proven identity when they leave school o Colleges must collect information from students that DfE already has o Students don’t understand what information they’re being asked to provide o This ultimately impacts the outcomes for students

The people who will use the product or service

User type



Our users are both external and internal (business operations, audit, support desk and policy) As a learner • I need to have access to my own education data • So that I can share this data during enrolment As a school • I need to issue education information to my pupils • So that they can enrol more easily into FE with the appropriate support in place As an education provider (including FE College, Local Authority or Independent Training Provider) • I need to be able to collate my learner data for submission to DfE and ESFA. I also need to be able to view funding dashboards generated by the Department for my organisation. and be able to consume data shared by the learner • So that I can access funding, compare the organisation's performance to previous years and enrol learners onto the right course. As an internal DfE data user • I need to be able to access the data for my policy area in an efficient manner and gain the insights, analysis and knowledge the data can provide. • So that I can make evidence-based decisions As an internal DfE helpdesk assistant • I need to have read only access to the services which enable me to navigate the different user journeys and see the data related to each provider • So that I can resolve queries from our end users

Any pre-market engagement done


Work done so far

One product moving into private Beta - Education Record. Enter Learning Data in public beta. Data Visualisation is live, there is ongoing continuous improvement work and new features based on user needs.

Which phase the project is in


Existing team

Existing teams are comprised of multi-disciplinary agile delivery skills. These teams are involved in service development for providing brand new digital services, going through the standard GDS phases. Current team size is up to 40 with a skill mix such as product/service managers, delivery managers, business analysts, user research and design professionals, developers, and testers. Architects support delivery through setting strategic technology direction as well as supporting build team decision making. Teams comprise of digital service suppliers and permanent staff. The new supplier will be expected to provide resources across architecture, DevOps, business analysts, user research and design professionals.

Address where the work will be done

Primary location is DfE Office, Cheylesmore House, Coventry? Not sure what to add for this outside IR35 – remote working?

Working arrangements

Location and all arrangement to deliver the service effectively is at the supplier’s discretion. No expenses will be paid

Security and vetting requirements

Baseline Personnel Security Standard (BPSS)

Security and vetting requirements

Security Check (SC)

More information about the Security requirements

All proposed team members must have current relevant Baseline Personnel Security clearance e.g. BPSS, DBS. Suppliers will complete a security assurance questionnaire and submit relevant supporting documents e.g. Cyber Essentials in line with DfE standards. DfE may require Security Clearance (SC) for roles with privileged access to the digital services.

Latest start date

2 January 2025

Expected contract length

Contract length

2 years 0 months 0 days

Optional extension

1 years 0 months 0 days

Special terms and conditions

special term or condition

Bidders must respond to the opportunity using the response template found within the project attachments. Only essential and nice to have criteria require responses at stage 1.

special term or condition

In order to participate in this opportunity, DOS6 awarded suppliers should have followed all necessary registration steps through the Public Procurement Gateway, operated by Crown Commercial Service (CCS). Please follow instructions sent to you at the email address supplied during the DOS6 application process.

special term or condition

The Supplier shall ensure that no Supplier Staff who discloses that they have a Relevant Conviction, or who is found to have any Relevant Convictions (whether as a result of a police check or through the vetting procedure of HMG Baseline Personnel Security Standard or through the Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS) or otherwise), is employed or engaged in any part of the provision of the Services without the prior written approval of the Buyer. Subject to the Data Protection Legislation, the Supplier shall disclose the results of their vetting process, immediately to the Buyer. The decision as to whether any of the Supplier’s Staff are allowed to perform activities in relation to the Call Off Contract, is entirely at the Buyer’s sole discretion. The Supplier shall be required to undertake annual periodic checks during the Call Off Contract Period of its Staff, in accordance with HMG Baseline Personnel Security Standard so as to determine the Supplier Staff suitability to continue to Framework Schedule 6 (Order Form Template, Statement of Work Template and Call-Off Schedules) 5 provide Services under the Call Off Contract. The Supplier shall ensure that any Supplier Staff who discloses a Relevant Conviction (either spent or unspent) or is found by the Supplier to have a Relevant Conviction through standard national vetting procedures or otherwise, is immediately disclosed to the Buyer. The Supplier shall ensure that the individual staff member immediately ceases all activity in relation to the Call Off Contract, until the Buyer has reviewed the case, on an individual basis, and has made a final decision. Where the Buyer decides that a Supplier Staff should be removed from performing activities, as a result of obtaining information in relation to the Call Off Contract, or for any other reason, the Supplier shall promptly and diligently replace any individual identified.

special term or condition

No expenses will be paid. All vendors are obliged to provide sufficient guarantees to implement appropriate technical and organisational measures so that the processing meets the requirements of GDPR and ensures the protection of the rights of data subjects. For further information please see the Information Commissioner's Office website

special term or condition

The latest start date will be outlined in each individual statement of work. Except for in exceptional circumstances, and as agreed with the buyer

special term or condition

Service provider resources must work within the United Kingdom unless agreed by the Department on an individual basis. Departmental equipment must not be taken abroad or access the departmental network whilst outside the United Kingdom unless agreed by the Department on an individual basis

special term or condition

The Department’s standard approach to pricing mechanism will be ‘Capped Time and Materials’ (CTM) however we reserve the right to use any of the other approaches as listed in the call-off charges section.

special term or condition

General Information Standard Framework and Call Off Terms and Conditions will apply Suppliers must agree to all DFE security clearance policies and processes. Suppliers must comply with the Regulation (GDPR) Regulation May 2018; the (DPA) Act 2018, the Law Enforcement Directive and any subsequent amendments/changes to date including providing sufficient guarantees to meet the requirements of GDPR in line with Procurement Policy Note (PPN) 02/18 May 2018 which updates PPN 03/17 All Project-Specific IPRs (as defined) and the Deliverables shall vest in the Buyer unconditionally and immediately upon their creation.

special term or condition

Suppliers will be required to undertake Financial and Security Due Diligence as part of the tender process, prior to award.

special term or condition

Non-Solicitation Clause: 1.1 The Supplier shall not, either directly or indirectly, by or through itself, its affiliate, its agent or otherwise, or in conjunction with its affiliate, its agent or otherwise, whether for its own benefit or for the benefit of any other person solicit, entice or induce, or endeavour to solicit, entice or induce, any employees of the Buyer who are employed or engaged in the performance of the Services with a view to employing or engaging the employee of the Buyer during the Call-Off Contract Period and for a period of [9 months] thereafter. 1.2. Notwithstanding clause 1.1 the Supplier may employ or engage any employees of the Buyer which have responded directly to a bona fide recruitment drive either through a recruitment agency engaged by the Supplier or via an advertisement placed publicly by the Supplier (either in the press, social media, online or in trade and industry publications).


Indicative maximum


Indicative minimum

The contract value is not specified by the buyer

Further information

These services are to be delivered over a contract period of 2 years with an indicative contract value of £7,727,425 excluding VAT for the full 2-year contract. • Each Statement of Work will outline the work required, associated budget and payment approach, CTM, T&M etc. Suppliers will need to provide clear costs to enable tracking. • DfE does not commit to any minimum or maximum spend at this point. • A pricing template will be provided to shortlisted suppliers at proposal stage. • DfE reserves the right to offer an option to extend the contract by up to 1year at a value of up to 50% of the original contract

Contracted out service or supply of resource?

Contracted out service: the off-payroll rules do not apply

2. Assessment criteria

How many suppliers to evaluate


Technical Competence


Cultural fit


Social values




Technical competence

Essential skills and experience


Nice-to-have skills and experience


Technical questions


Essential skills and experience


Detail recent evidence of ability of business analysis within an agile software development environment and the methods you used to convey requirements to software developers and testers




How will you implement user centred design in all stages of an Agile Software Development lifecycle, ensuring the services are accessible for all




How will you scale up resources to meet an increase in demand for services, explaining how you will ensure you have a sufficient pool of appropriately skilled resources to meet demand, and how quickly you would be able to upscale.




Demonstrate your evidence of ability in successfully delivering digital products/services within the private or public sector bound by a regulatory framework, what was the framework and how did you ensure you complied with it




How will you deliver architecture services within agile projects, demonstrating how you would meet GDS standards and how you will ensure value for money through the re-use of existing technology




Detail recent evidence of user research you have undertaken in a digital environment, including the methodologies used and rationale for this approach




Detail recent evidence of developing and monitoring CI/CD pipelines within digital services



Nice-to-have skills and experience


Detail evidence of ability of working on one programme with multiple products/workstreams running concurrently



Technical questions


Criteria: Approach to Resolving Conflict. • Approach to resolving conflict between strategic business needs and user needs Detailed question will be shared with shortlisted suppliers at the point of stage 2 being published




Criteria: Approach to Designing & Monitoring. • Approach to designing and monitoring digital services to maximise performance and minimise costs Detailed question will be shared with shortlisted suppliers at the point of stage 2 being published




Criteria: Approach to Gathering Project Requirements. • Approach to gathering project requirements and methods of communicating those back to the customer, and internally within a digital agile team. Detailed question will be shared with shortlisted suppliers at the point of stage 2 being published.




Criteria: Approach to user research. • Approach and methodology to planning, designing and carrying our research activities with users Detailed question will be shared with shortlisted suppliers at the point of stage 2 being published




Criteria: Approach to Cloud Technologies. • Approach to applying Cloud technologies to build, support, maintain IT technology infrastructure solution components aligned to architecture, security, business and project vision and constraints. Detailed question will be shared with shortlisted suppliers at the point of stage 2 being published



Cultural fit questions


Criteria: Cultural Fit -Approach to Problem Solving - 1. Approach to problem solving Detailed question will be shared with shortlisted suppliers at the point of stage 2 being published




Criteria: Cultural Fit - Approach to sharing knowledge- 1. Approach to sharing knowledge and encouraging innovation Detailed question will be shared with shortlisted suppliers at the point of stage 2 being published



Social value questions


Social Value – Wellbeing - Please provide a method statement detailing how your organisation will provide the social benefits if awarded this contract in line with the Wellbeing Theme ensure the following are covered. Within the Statement, please ensure that you set out how you will: · manage the team’s health wellbeing including physical and mental health; and · monitor, measure and report on wellbeing.




Social Value - Equal Opportunities- Please provide a community benefits plan, identifying the benefits which you will deliver during the contract, alongside how and when the benefit will be delivered in line with the Equal Opportunities Theme. Within the plan, how will you: · Engage with and encourage increased representation of disabled people in the contract workforce and reduce the disability employment gap – · Support disabled people in developing new skills relevant to the contract, including through training schemes that result in recognised qualifications. · Engage with and encourage young people (e.g. apprentice or graduates) to develop a sustainable workforce



Pricing model

Capped time and materials

Additional assessment methods


Case study

Work history

Question and answer session details

How suppliers will be scored


Not met




The response does not meet any of the requirements or no response has been provided. An unacceptable and / or non-compliant response with serious reservations, demonstrating no understanding of the requirement.


Partially met




The response has met some, but not all elements of the requirement, which poses risk that the proposal will not meet the deliverables required. The response does not demonstrate a full understanding of the requirement posing major concerns.






The response is acceptable and meets all the basic requirements. However, the response is not sufficiently detailed to minimise risk and / or the proposed approach may require additional support (in addition to that outlined in the Statement of Requirements) from the Contracting Authority to meet its deliverables.






The response exceeds requirements, providing detail that minimises risks to delivery. The response is comprehensive and unambiguous, demonstrating a thorough understanding of the requirements and providing details of how the requirement will be met in full without additional support from the Contracting Authority, other than that outlined within the Statement of Requirements.

3. Timeline

Publication of stage 1


Clarification period closes

21/08/2024 16:00

Deadline for suppliers to submit their stage 1 responses

30/08/2024 16:00