Procurement details: DDaT Data Enablement and Acceleration

1. Context and requirements

Terms and acronyms

Term or acronym



Baseline Personnel Security Standard

Term or acronym



Government Digital Service

Term or acronym



National Health Service

Term or acronym



NHS Business Services Authority

Term or acronym



Statement of Work

Term or acronym



User interface

Summary of work

The NHSBSA require a supplier to work with us to deliver data initiatives across the organisation and help us to achieve our Data Strategy for the utilisation of data to drive insight which in turn is used to improve business processes and services. The core capabilities expected to be provided by the Supplier when delivering the work under the Call-Off Contract reflect the end-to-end data lifecycle, which include: - Data Solution and Architecture delivery from design to implementation and knowledge transfer - Data Engineering - Data Science - Insight Analysis and Data Visualisation - Data Warehousing - User centered design - Big Data Analytics - Reporting through the presentation of data in consumable formats to end users

Where the supplied staff will work

North East England

Who the organisation using the products or services is


Why the work is being done

The appointment of a Data Enablement and Acceleration Partner aligns to the NHSBSA's organisation strategy, which outlines our ambition to become a more data drivem organisation. Data is extremely important to its delivery highlighted by a step-change needed for us to be data driven. By continuing NHSBSA's journey to being data drivenwe will support delivery of our overall business statregy by: - Supporting continuous improvement in delivering business service excellence and customer service across our services - Facilitating the identification and measurement of efficiencies and tax payer value - Actively using our service data and insights to have a positive impact on health outcomes - Providing high quality and easily accessible data and insight, as well as Official Statistic, which improve health and wellbeing of patients and people across the UK through better decision making. NHSBSA are looking to appoint a Supplier to support the enablement and acceleration of data across the NHSBSA. While the specific projects will evolve, the NHSBSA requires the Supplier to work with NHSBSA  to deliver data initiatives across the organisation, helping NHSBSA  to achieve our Data Strategy for the utilisation of data to drive insight which in turn is used to improve business processes and services. Statements of Work (SOW) will be called-off during the term of the Call-Off Contract with the aim of providing the benefits.  

The business problem

The Digital, Data and Technology directorate within NHSBSA (DDaT) are responsible for the delivery of over 20 services utilised internally by NHSBSA and/or externally by the broader health system. The range of services varies from being internal facing to public facing. To monitor the effective delivery of these services and data products, the NHSBSA is seeking to establish near real-time operational reporting of the performance of those services/data products. It is envisaged that the operational reporting mechanism which is established by the Supplier will provide access to near real-time key data that will enable NHSBSA teams to prioritise activities and initiatives to drive improvements and monitor progress against key objectives. DDaT are currently undertaking analysis of 22 services/data products to identify the core data metrics which need to be surfaced in the operational reporting mechanism that the Supplier will be tasked with delivering. To date, 18 metrics have been identified across the 22 services.. (Please note that the analysis exercise being undertaken by DDaT is still ongoing and further metrics may be identified which will need to be scoped into SOW requirements at a later date.) The following high level metrics have been identified by DDaT as important and will be required to be included in the operational reporting mechanism (NHSBSA will provide further instructions as to which metrics are required to be included in reports for each separate surface in due course): Activity          Number of active users Number of completed transactions Response times (API load times) Response times (download times) Customers   CSAT and Net Easy scores End of application/journey survey results Calls and emails User journey Accessibility standards Incidents       P1/2/3/4 and impact (closed/open) Time to resolution Service availability (uptime – incident driven) Application security Security         Security Vulnerabilities (CVEs) Secure coding issues Finance         AWS cloud compute (hours) + Storage (GB) AWS cloud costs Cost per transaction. The expectation is that the output will be freely available to internal colleagues via the intranet (MyHub), which is a SharePoint site. The report will be updated on a regular basis, which may vary depending on the status of the DDaT product. For example, a new service may require hourly reports compared to a more established service, which may require daily updates. There will also be some variation depending upon how the data is created. Work has already been initiated across DDaT to create a prototype and develop standard definitions and benchmark current use. (Please note: This work which is currently ongoing within DDaT is distinct from the work to be undertaken under this SOW and is out of scope of this SOW. It is not anticipated that the Supplier will become involved in the ongoing analysis work.) The data that will form the basis of the visualisations developed as part of this project will be accessed via several different NHSBSA platforms including (but not limited to) Sharepoint, DataDog, Jira and AWS buckets. The data pipeline and visualisation refresh to establish the operational reporting mechanism will be created by the Supplier, in line with NHSBSA standards (NHSBSA Digital, Data and Technology Playbook - NHSBSA. In the initial phase it is expected that this will include the use of Alteryx and Power BI tools to create the content to be surfaced by the operational reporting mechanism created by the Supplier to be provided on the SharePoint intranet site (MyHub). There will be a focus on automation and ensuring that the final visualisation complies with the NHS toolkit (Examples - NHS.UK frontend ( and NHSBSA data visualisation design standards and templates (which will be provided). Discovery The intended purpose of the Discovery Phase is for the Supplier to gather detailed requirements relating the the core metrics which have been identified by DDaT, to understand user needs and define a detailed scope and Delivery Plan for the Delivery Phase. Delivery To deliver the outcomes set out in the Delivery Plan created following the Discovery Phase to produce the operational reporting mechanism, as agreed between parties following Phase 1.

The people who will use the product or service

User type

Broad user base


There is a broad user base that the NHSBSA data team supports. This includes internal and external users, including those who directly interact with the team and those who use products and outputs from the team to make decisions. It must also be recognised that internal colleagues are key users of the data team. Previous work has been done to create high level personas

User type

Raw Data User


Needs clean, good quality data with data dictionary and data flow that are consistent and reliable

User type

Self Service User


Needs easy access to insight rather than data. Requires consistent, repeatable processes for accessing products, wth the flexibility to ask additional questions and self serve. Able to drill down into data when further detail is required

User type

Full Service User


Needs to form a partnership, not a transactional relationship. Wants to feel involved in the process. May want to turn the final product into a Self Service User's product. Needs help to define the problem and then determine the solution. Needs access to resources they don't have within their own teams

Any pre-market engagement done

Not applicable

Work done so far

DDaT are currently undertaking analysis of 22 services/data products to identify the core data metrics which need to be surfaced in the operational reporting mechanism that the Supplier will be tasked with delivering. To date, 18 metrics have been identified across the 22 services.. (Please note that the analysis exercise being undertaken by DDaT is still ongoing and further metrics may be identified which will need to be scoped into SOW requirements at a later date.)  Work has already been initiated across DDaT to create a prototype and develop standard definitions and benchmark current use.

Which phase the project is in


Existing team

The project sits within the Data Services area of our Digital, Data and Technology directorate. Day to day service is delivered by a Service Lead with support from a multidisciplnary team that will include appropriate skills, such as User Centered Design team, data engineering and data analysis

Address where the work will be done

We require the supplier to be able to provide resources which can be co located with our existing NHSBSA teams who are primarily based in Newcastle (North East England). It is envisaged work will be carried out onsite, at the following NHSBSA office base: NHS Business Services Authority Stella House Goldcrest Way Newburn Riverside Newcastle upon Tyne NE15 8NX

Working arrangements

The Supplier will work as a part of the DDaT team, they will be viewed as part of the overall NHSBSA DDaT Team with a one team ethos. The DDaT team work following Agile and GDS principles and it is expected that the successful supplier's people will work in this way. The successful supplier must comply with relevant NHSBSA policies and standards. Any travel and subsistence expense incurred by supplier staff would only be reimbursed if the terms of the NHSBSA travel and subsistence policy has been followed and expenses have been approved by NHSBSA in advance.

Security and vetting requirements

Baseline Personnel Security Standard (BPSS)

More information about the Security requirements

Specific security requirements will be outlined in each Statement of Work.

Latest start date

25 November 2024

Expected contract length

Contract length

2 years 0 months 0 days

Optional extension

1 years 0 months 0 days

Special terms and conditions

special term or condition

Special Term 1: Non-Solicitation of Staff A) Neither Party shall (except with the prior written consent of the other Party) directly or indirectly solicit or entice away (or attempt to solicit or entice away) from the employment of the other Party any person employed or engaged by such other Party in the provision of the Ser-vices or (in the case of the Buyer) in the receipt of the Services at any time during such employment or engagement of that person by such other Party, or for a period of twelve (12) months after the cessation of such employment or engagement. B) If either the Supplier or the Buyer commits any breach of this clause, the breaching party shall, on demand, pay to the claiming party a sum equal to one year's basic salary or the annual fee that was payable by the claiming party to that employee, worker or independent contractor plus the recruitment costs incurred by the claiming party in replacing such per-son. C) Nothing in this clause shall prevent either Party from hiring any person by means of a normal advertising campaign not specifically targeted at any of the staff of the other Party.

special term or condition

Special Term 2: Termination for Financial Distress Further to Joint Schedule 7 section 5, when CCS or the Buyer can terminate the contract for Financial Distress, the Supplier must ensure that the Buyer has access to any Source Code, object code and Buyer artefacts.

special term or condition

Special Term 3: Overtime The Supplier shall not charge for any more than seven and a half (7.5) working hours in one Working Day. Where Services are required to be delivered during Overtime by the Buyer it will be agreed in writing between the authorised personnel of the respective Parties prior to the commencement of the Services to be carried out during Overtime. The Supplier will, where required, provide evidence where services to be carried out as Overtime are agreed. The following Contract Charges will apply to Overtime: The hourly overtime Contract Charge outside of a Working Day during the time Monday 00:01 hours to Friday 23:59 hours excluding public holiday in England and Wales is 1.25 x the Day Rate / 7.5 (hours) for the applicable role. The hourly overtime Contract Charge outside of a Working Day during the time Saturday 00:01hours to Sunday 23:59 hours and public holiday in England and Wales is 1.5 x the Day Rate / 7.5 (hours) for the applicable role. All Overtime requests must be approved by appropriate Buyer Representative - Named Lead on the SoW or agreed senior role (e.g. Product Owner) or their line manager.

special term or condition

Special Term 4: SOW Closure Report To clarify, the Buyer may use the SOW Delivery Report and SOW Closure Report, in accordance with definition of Satisfaction Certificate, as an alternative to the form of the document contained in of Part B of Call-Off Schedule 13 (Implementation Plan and Testing) and where Call-Off Schedule 13 is not used, to record and confirm the Supplier has met all of the requirements of an Order, Achieved a Milestone or a Test. Satisfaction Certificate the certificate (materially in the form of the document contained in of Part B of Call-Off Schedule 13 (Implementation Plan and Testing) or as agreed by the Parties where Call-Off Schedule 13 is not used in this Contract) granted by the Buyer when the Supplier has met all of the requirements of an Order, Achieved a Milestone or a Test; SOW Delivery Report - Updated throughout the SOW Period monitoring deliverables and recording of Milestone achievement and acceptance by the Buyer. SOW Closure Reports - This report records formal acceptance by the Buyer to approve closure of the SOW.

special term or condition

Special Term 5: Press Announcements or Publicising Contracts The following clauses, 15.7 and 15.8, replace in its entirety clause 15.7 of the Core Terms: 15.7 The Supplier must not make any press announcement, social media announcements, or publicise the Contract or any part of them in any way, without the prior written consent of the Buyer and must take all reasonable steps to ensure that Supplier Staff do not either. Any consent to be obtained under this Clause 15.7 must be obtained from the Buyer’s Head of Communications or their equivalent (as determined by the Buyer). This consent can be withdrawn at any time in which case the Supplier must take down any publicity material, press announcements or social media announcements from various platforms as specified by the Buyer. 15.8 In accordance with Clause 15.7, the Supplier must perform its obligations under the Buyer’s Media Policy and must ensure that the Supplier Staff are aware of and adhere to the Buyer’s Media Policy.

special term or condition

Special Term 6: Tender Commitments by Supplier  There is an obligation that within three months of the Call-Off Contract Start Date the parties will have completed a review of Call-off Schedule 4 (Call off Tender) and produce a register of the value-add commitments the Supplier included in its Call off Tender to be delivered by the Supplier, and monitored, throughout the Call-Off Contract Period.    

special term or condition

Special Term 7: Reimbursable expenses where Capped Time and Materials applies The following clause, replace in its entirety clauses 1.3 and 1.4 of Call-Off Schedule 5 (Pricing details and Expenses Policy): If a Capped or Fixed Price has been agreed for a particular SOW: the Supplier shall continue to work on the Deliverables until they are satisfactorily complete and accepted by the Buyer at its own cost and expense where the Capped or Fixed Price is exceeded; and the Buyer will have no obligation or liability to pay any additional Charges or cost of any part of the Deliverables yet to be completed and/or Delivered after the Capped or Fixed Price is exceeded by the Supplier. the Supplier shall not be able to claim for any expenses incurred by the Supplier in working on the Deliverables where the Capped or Fixed price is exceeded. All risks or contingencies will be included in the Charges. The Parties agree that the following assumptions, representations, risks and contingencies will apply in relation to the Charges: Any expenses incurred by the Supplier when working on deliverables where the Capped or Fixed Price is exceeded shall not be reimbursed by the Buyer.


Indicative maximum


Indicative minimum

The contract value is not specified by the buyer

Further information

Please note, no spend is currently committed to this contract. Budget approval will be required in relation to each Statement of Work.

Contracted out service or supply of resource?

Contracted out service: the off-payroll rules do not apply

2. Assessment criteria

How many suppliers to evaluate


Technical Competence


Cultural fit


Social values




Technical competence

Essential skills and experience


Nice-to-have skills and experience


Technical questions


Essential skills and experience


Please demonstrate your level of skills and experience of developing and delivering a data output that has met a user need. This should include using capabilities from across the life cycle, including Data Architecture, Data Engineering, Data Science, Data Governance, Insight Analysis and Data Visualisation and delivery from design to implementation.




Please demonstrate your understanding and experience of technologies that are used within the NHSBSA. These include but are not limited to Alteryx, Microsoft Azure, AWS Cloud, Power BI, Microsoft Fabric plus open source such as R and Python. Provide examples on how you have implemented them into your data projects




Please demonstrate your understanding and experience of reporting through the presentation of data in consumable formats to end users and provide relevant examples of this type of work you have undertaken. This should include accessibility and broader testing techniques.




Please demonstrate you understanding and experience of front end web development and give examples of what you have produced for public sector clients




Please explain your organisation's approach to the management of development work, including how you ensure that timescales for delivery are met. Please include details of any staff members who will be dedicated to oversee delivery.




Explain your approach to ensursing new development work transitions across to business as usual. This should include information on your standard release process and what documentation is created to support the data output.




Please demonstrate your approach to understanding user needs and how you put the user at the centre of your build process.



Nice-to-have skills and experience


Please demonstrate your experience of developing in accordance with the Digital Service Standard and provide relevant examples.




Please demonstrate your experience of reacting to customer and user changes in requirements and how you maintain project delivery focus



Technical questions


Please provide a detailed proposal setting out your approach to the Phase 1 Discovery exercise, as set out in SOW01. Please include an overview of the activities and tasks that you consider will form part of the Phase 1 Discovery exercise, together with an explanation of the structure of the team you will deploy to undertake the work and how the team will ensure that NHSSA standards are met in delivery of the work. Please provide a draft timed Delivery Plan for delivery of Phase 1 and call out any dependencies and risks you have identified. Please include in your proposal, any opportunity areas where you consider value could be added and/or opportunities where processes could be streamlined. Please Note: Suppliers must submit costs associated with delivery of the Phase 1 Discovery under SOW01 in section 2 of the Pricing Schedule and costs submitted should relate directly to the proposal provided in response to this question.




Based on NHSBSA’s requirements for the delivery of an operational reporting mechanism to surface near real-time data metrics across over 20 NHSBSA services (as detailed in SOW01), please provide a detailed explanation of your approach to Delivery Phase and how you would propose to meet NHSBSA’s requirements




Please demonstrate your understanding and experience of technologies that are used within the NHSBSA. These include, but are not limited to Alteryx, Microsoft Azure, AWS Cloud, Power BI, Microsoft Fabric, plus open source such as R and Python. Please provide examples where you have implemented different technologies within the same data project.




Please detail your experience in projects involving surfacing data. Please provide in your answer examples of projects that surfaced data for further use by decision makers, in a self-serve way. Please explain the end-to-end approach adopted to ensure the end product met stakeholder and user needs




Please provide a detailed explanation of the technical approach to moving work from projects into live, including the development of performance dashboard for data outputs and appropriate knowledge transfer.




Provide examples of how data professionals continue to develop, to enhance their skills and experience. This should reflect both technology and ways of working, alongside how new capabilities are introduced.




Please explain how one of your teams has worked with the NHS Design Standards and have delivered a piece of work that has successfully met GDS Service standards or equivalent and explain what measures you took to ensure that the delivery was in accordance with organisational standards.




Please describe how you identify risks and dependencies and outline approaches to managing them while developing a data led digital service.



Cultural fit questions


Demonstrate via Presentation how you work as a team, manage collaboration, share know-how and best practice, motivate and maintain high levels of engagement within delivery teams and how this links to NHSBSA values




Demonstrate via Presentation an empowered ‘can do’ team culture, encouraging constructive feedback/learning to work cohesively in meeting client’s needs and provide examples of how this has previously led to changes to your approach and any benefits derived from the feedback received



Social value questions


At NHSBSA we view protecting the environment as a priority for example digital sustainability and are mandated to follow the GGC Greening government: ICT and digital services strategy 2020-2025. Detail how, through the delivery of the contract you will: Improve our digital carbon footprint by: Showing efficiencies, providing measuring and reporting on metrics such as run time Optimising and rightsizeing systems on a regular basis Using tiering and retention policies on data storage Engage and monitor staff, suppliers, customers, and communities in supporting environmental protection and improvement.



Pricing model

Capped time and materials

Additional assessment methods


Question and answer session details

How suppliers will be scored






Completely fails to meet required standard or does not provide a proposal/answer the question at all


Not Met




Significantly fails to meet the standards required, contains significant shortcomings in many areas


Partially Met




Meets a number of required standards but falls short of achieving required standard in a number of identifiable areas


Mostly Met




Meets the required standard in most (but not all) material respects






Meets the required standard in all respects and demonstrates a thorough understanding of the requirement.

3. Timeline

Publication of stage 1


Clarification period closes

23/09/2024 16:00

Deadline for suppliers to submit their stage 1 responses

01/10/2024 16:00