Procurement details: Operations Infrastructure Group (OIG) Portfolio - User Centred Design Services

1. Context and requirements

Terms and acronyms

Term or acronym



User Centred Design

Term or acronym



Schools Technology Services

Term or acronym



Get Help Buying for Schools

Term or acronym



Further Education

Term or acronym



Operations Infrastructure Group

Term or acronym



Key Performance Indicator

Summary of work

The Operations Infrastructure Group (OIG) Portfolio is currently made up of four separate programmes of work. Get Help Buying for Schools: To support all schools to plan and buy efficiently and get best value when they procure, so that school budgets efficiently fund the best possible educational outcomes for all pupils. Measurable financial savings for schools is the primary KPI for this programme of work. Schools Technology Services: Aims to help schools get the best out of their technology, by increasing their digital maturity, and giving them support to plan, implement and use technology independently. Schools Account: Reducing workload burdens on school leaders and school business professionals spent engaging with DfE requirements and data returns by improving navigation to DfE support, services, data collections and other requirements, signposting them to what they need at the right time. Sustainability and Education Estates Digital Services: Supporting successful billion-pound construction projects and programmes as one of the UK’s largest construction clients and enabling multiple application cycles to provide funding to schools and FE colleges with the greatest need. This includes maintaining the condition of existing school buildings and identifying new needs by gathering data/ evidence. Digital and data are crucial for enabling the portfolio’s work. The portfolio has projects in all phases of the lifecycle – from discovery to live. New projects might also include policy lab and design sprints. We work closely with school leaders and business professionals, local authorities, policy, commercial , education estates and other areas of DfE. This contract is to provide User Centred Design services for the above programmes, new programmes that may join the portfolio and additional DfE requirements where necessary.

Where the supplied staff will work

North East England

Where the supplied staff will work

Yorkshire and the Humber

Where the supplied staff will work

West Midlands

Where the supplied staff will work


Who the organisation using the products or services is

Why the work is being done

As described in the summary of work, we have four programmes each with their own problem space and goals. DfE is committed to reducing the workload on school leaders, business professionals and teachers. As a portfolio, we focus on key areas to deliver quality usable and sustainable solutions: - user-centred design approach to ensure we are meeting the needs of our users - improving our data assets to ensure we are working efficiently and effectively, with a view to explore the opportunities that AI presents - providing schools with standards to support their decision making - ensuring we use the right tools and technology to achieve our goals - making the best use of our available resources - supporting schools with commercial expertise By taking this approach, we will ensure quality of our services, reduce the workload of DfE and our external users, and help schools spend their money efficiently.

The business problem

Ensuring the needs of users are met so that quality and quantity of the departmental need is met. To ensure that services are scalable and meet Government Digital Service standards and ensure that a great service is delivered.

The people who will use the product or service

User type

As a school leader


I need to ensure the day to day running of my school meets the needs of my staff, the parents and students so that everyone is happy and safe.

User type

As a school leader


I need to deliver the best learning experience that I can so that pupils are not left behind

User type

As a school leader


I need to be able to find what I am looking for quickly and easily so that I don't waste time and / or give up

User type

As a school leader


I need sources of help that I trust so that I am confident in the advice and services I receive.

User type

As a school leader


I need to know the best way to spend my money so that I can make the most of my limited budget

User type

As a school leader


I need to know that what I am doing is best for my school so that I have peace of mind that I am doing a good job.

User type

As a school leader


I need advice and guidance that’s specific to my circumstances so that I know it's relevant to me.

User type

As a DfE procurement operations case worker


I need to be able to track the progress of a case so that I can provide a continuous service to our users (school buyers/procurement leads)

User type

As a DfE project manager or project director (for Education Estates)


I need to provide and receive updates on the status of a school/FE build project so that I know what needs to happen next and I can provide a relevant update.

User type

As a DfE Service/Content owner


I need to be confident that the information we are sharing is available to users in a timely and accurate way so that we are not misleading our users or causing barriers to access.

Any pre-market engagement done

Work done so far

GHBS – currently in Public Beta phase covering 4 key working areas. • content, giving schools important guidance regarding procurement. • Request for Help, a GDS compliant application form where the school requests support with procurements whilst providing key information. • Case Management, the system we use to manage the schools who come through request for help, helping these schools with their procurement and keeping an audit log of their procurement. • We also have Create a Specification, a self-serve procurement specification tool for schools and Find a Framework, a portal for different framework suppliers that schools can utilise. Schools Account – currently in Public Beta providing support for some academies, focussing on financial and funding mandatory tasks. The scope of the product is expanding to provide more than just mandatory services. STS – Digital Standards currently live on,. A digital maturity assessment tool, Plan Technology for Your School, is currently in Private Beta and we are continuously improving and adding value and content to the service. Education Estates Digital Services - internal project and programme management tool in beta; applications supporting application processes in different states of maturity; service to enable technical advisers to interact seamlessly with DfE in Alpha; service to improve the journey for responsible bodies is about to go into Alpha.

Which phase the project is in

Not applicable

Existing team

We work in rainbow teams mixing contractors with civil servants. Our current teams are comprised of multi-disciplinary agile delivery skills. These teams are involved in service development for providing brand new digital services, going through the standard GDS phases. Typical team size is up to 12 with a skill mix such as product managers, delivery managers, business analysts, user researchers, design professionals, and developers. We work very closely with other areas such as Policy and Commercial colleagues. In Education Estates, we work alongside the teams delivering construction projects and programmes which include areas focussed on health and safety to building architecture.

Address where the work will be done

Cheylsmore House, Quinton Road, Coventry, CV1 2WT Piccadilly Gate, Store Street, Manchester, M1 2WD St Paul's Place, 125 Norfolk Street, Sheffield, S1 2FJ Bishopsgate House, Feethams, Darlington, DL1 5QE Sanctuary Buildings, Great Smith Street, London, SW1P 3BT

Working arrangements

This will be a 5 day per week (Monday to Friday) commitment and detailed working arrangements, including team location and make-up, will be contained within each statement of work. Day to day delivery will be governed by standard agile or lean delivery techniques. These could be either a Kanban, a scrum , SAFE or a combination approach (depending on the work) but the standard events appropriate to those will be undertaken. These will be led by the Delivery Manager, and the Product Manager will be responsible for prioritising backlogs. Most of our teams have hybrid working arrangements and work from multiple locations. The current departmental/government expectation is that colleagues spend at least 60% of their working time in the office. Occasional travel may be required to other DfE sites, Schools or other educational establishments. This may include attending internal meetings and conducting User Research sessions. Overseas working is not permitted at any time.

Security and vetting requirements

Baseline Personnel Security Standard (BPSS)

More information about the Security requirements

All proposed team members must have current relevant Baseline Personnel Security clearance e.g. BPSS, DBS. Suppliers will complete a security assurance questionnaire and submit relevant supporting documents e.g. Cyber Essentials in line with DfE standards. DfE may require Security Clearance (SC) for roles with privileged access to the digital services. Work must be conducted securely in the United Kingdom.

Latest start date

25 July 2024

Expected contract length

Contract length

2 years 0 months 0 days

Optional extension

1 years 0 months 0 days

Special terms and conditions

special term or condition

In order to participate in this opportunity, DOS6 awarded suppliers should have followed all necessary registration steps through the Public Procurement Gateway, operated by Crown Commercial Service (CCS). Please follow instructions sent to you at the email address supplied during the DOS6 application process.

special term or condition

The Supplier shall ensure that no Supplier Staff who discloses that they have a Relevant Conviction, or who is found to have any Relevant Convictions (whether as a result of a police check or through the vetting procedure of HMG Baseline Personnel Security Standard or through the Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS) or otherwise), is employed or engaged in any part of the provision of the Services without the prior written approval of the Buyer. Subject to the Data Protection Legislation, the Supplier shall disclose the results of their vetting process, immediately to the Buyer. The decision as to whether any of the Supplier’s Staff are allowed to perform activities in relation to the Call Off Contract, is entirely at the Buyer’s sole discretion. The Supplier shall be required to undertake annual periodic checks during the Call Off Contract Period of its Staff, in accordance with HMG Baseline Personnel Security Standard so as to determine the Supplier Staff suitability to continue to Framework Schedule 6 (Order Form Template, Statement of Work Template and Call-Off Schedules) 5 provide Services under the Call Off Contract. The Supplier shall ensure that any Supplier Staff who discloses a Relevant Conviction (either spent or unspent) or is found by the Supplier to have a Relevant Conviction through standard national vetting procedures or otherwise, is immediately disclosed to the Buyer. The Supplier shall ensure that the individual staff member immediately ceases all activity in relation to the Call Off Contract, until the Buyer has reviewed the case, on an individual basis, and has made a final decision. Where the Buyer decides that a Supplier Staff should be removed from performing activities, as a result of obtaining information in relation to the Call Off Contract, or for any other reason, the Supplier shall promptly and diligently replace any individual identified.

special term or condition

The primary location will be detailed in each Statement of Work (SoW) and expenses will not form part of the cost unless the supplier is asked to work from a secondary location during the execution of the work e.g. If a SoW primary base is in Manchester, then no expenses will be paid for Manchester. Expenses cannot be claimed for travel to the Primary Location of work when in-office working is required. Some work may be UK wide, and travel may be required to other DfE offices. When travel to other DfE sites is required, all costs incurred must comply with the prevailing DfE Travel and Subsistence policy. Parking is not available on DfE sites. Costs for additional roles required within this contract will be discussed as needed. Should base location vary it will be outlined and agreed upon the individual SoW.

special term or condition

The latest start date will be outlined in each individual Statement of Work. Except for in exceptional circumstances, and as agreed with the buyer. The Buyer has the right to terminate any Statement of Work issued in accordance with this Call-Off Contract at any time, without reason, with five working days’ written notice to the Supplier. The notice period shall be given in writing. The receiving party must acknowledge receipt of notice within 24 hours.

special term or condition

All work must be conducted in line with the Buyer’s security policy and securely within in the United Kingdom. Contractors must work within the United Kingdom unless agreed by the Department on an individual basis in line with Buyer's working overseas policy and Buyer's security policy. Contractors must not take any departmental equipment abroad or access the departmental network whilst outside the United Kingdom unless agreed by the Department on an individual basis. Use of private VPNs is prohibited.

special term or condition

The Department’s standard approach to pricing mechanism will be ‘Capped Time and Materials’ (CTM) however we reserve the right to use any of the other approaches as listed in the call-off charges section.

special term or condition

General Information Standard Framework and Call Off Terms and Conditions will apply. Suppliers must agree to all DFE security clearance policies and processes. Suppliers must comply with the Regulation (GDPR) May 2018; the (DPA) Act 2018, the Law Enforcement Directive and any subsequent amendments/changes to date including providing sufficient guarantees to meet the requirements of GDPR in line with Procurement Policy Note (PPN) 03/22 which updates PPN 02/18 All Project-Specific IPRs (as defined) and the Deliverables shall vest in the Buyer unconditionally and immediately upon their creation.

special term or condition

Suppliers will be required to undertake Financial and Security Due Diligence as part of the tender process, prior to award.

special term or condition

Non-Solicitation Clause: 1.1 The Supplier shall not, either directly or indirectly, by or through itself, its affiliate, its agent or otherwise, or in conjunction with its affiliate, its agent or otherwise, whether for its own benefit or for the benefit of any other person solicit, entice or induce, or endeavour to solicit, entice or induce, any employees of the Buyer who are employed or engaged in the performance of the Services with a view to employing or engaging the employee of the Buyer during the Call-Off Contract Period and for a period of [9 months] thereafter. 1.2. Notwithstanding clause 1.1 the Supplier may employ or engage any employees of the Buyer which have responded directly to a bona fide recruitment drive either through a recruitment agency engaged by the Supplier or via an advertisement placed publicly by the Supplier (either in the press, social media, online or in trade and industry publications).

special term or condition

The successful supplier will be required to have a published Carbon Reduction Plan in place within 6 months of contract award, in line with PPN 06/21


Indicative maximum


Indicative minimum


Further information

Each Statement of Work will outline the work required, associated budget and payment approach. Suppliers will need to provide clear costs to enable tracking. DfE does not commit to any minimum spend at this point.

Contracted out service or supply of resource?

Supply of resource: the off-payroll rules may apply

2. Assessment criteria

How many suppliers to evaluate


Technical Competence


Cultural fit


Social values




Technical competence

Essential skills and experience


Nice-to-have skills and experience


Technical questions


Essential skills and experience


How will you deploy and ensure resources are suitably qualified, experienced and aligned to DDT capability framework for this contract?




Describe how you will work with and influence stakeholders and policy colleagues to make user centred decisions under this contract.




What will your approach be to delivering user centred design services that are accessible and inclusive to all users under this contract?




How will you ensure you will deliver reliable and rigorous user research across all stages of the service lifecycle under this contract?




What is your approach to design across all stages of the service lifecycle?



Nice-to-have skills and experience


How will you work collaboratively and effectively in rainbow teams and integrate different organisational cultures?




What is your approach to resolving conflict between strategic business needs and user needs



Technical questions


Detailed criteria will be shared to successful shortlisted suppliers at the point of stage 2 being published. Please see below criteria/theme that will be asked: Theme / Criteria : Skills and Capability




Detailed criteria will be shared to successful shortlisted suppliers at the point of stage 2 being published. Please see below criteria/theme that will be asked: Theme / Criteria : Working Practices and Stakeholder Engagement




Detailed criteria will be shared to successful shortlisted suppliers at the point of stage 2 being published. Please see below criteria/theme that will be asked: Theme / Criteria: User Research Profession and Approach




Detailed criteria will be shared to successful shortlisted suppliers at the point of stage 2 being published. Please see below criteria/theme that will be asked: Theme / Criteria: User Centred Design Approach



Cultural fit questions


Detailed criteria will be shared to successful shortlisted suppliers at the point of stage 2 being published. Please see below criteria/theme that will be asked: Theme / Criteria: Buyers Capability




Detailed criteria will be shared to successful shortlisted suppliers at the point of stage 2 being published. Please see below criteria/theme that will be asked: Theme / Criteria: Culture



Social value questions


Detailed criteria will be shared to successful shortlisted suppliers at the point of stage 2 being published. Please see below criteria/theme that will be asked: Theme/Criteria: Tackle Economic Inequality




Detailed criteria will be shared to successful shortlisted suppliers at the point of stage 2 being published. Please see below criteria/theme that will be asked: Theme/Criteria: Diversity And Inclusion




Detailed criteria will be shared to successful shortlisted suppliers at the point of stage 2 being published. Please see below criteria/theme that will be asked: Theme/Criteria: Effective Stewardship of The Environment - Working Towards Net Zero



Pricing model

Capped time and materials

Additional assessment methods


Question and answer session details

How suppliers will be scored


Unsatisfactory / Unacceptable Response




There is no response or no response of relevance to the question. The response does not demonstrate the bidders technical ability or proven approach, with no examples provided. The panel determine that the risk to the buyer is very high and unacceptable. Stage 1: 0-10 with a minimum score of 5 required on all Essential Skills and Experience.


Poor Response




The response addresses the question superficially. The response does not include examples and lacks clarity and detail of proven approach. The response does not provide an insight into the bidders technical ability. The panel determine that the risk to the buyer is high. Stage 1: 0-10 with a minimum score of 5 required on all Essential Skills and Experience.


Limited Response




The response addresses the question but lacks demonstration of technical ability and standards in some areas of the response. The response provides insufficient examples and lacks evidence of a proven approach. The response lacks clarity or detail. The panel determine a low level of confidence in this response with moderate risk to the buyer evident. Stage 1: 0-10 with a minimum score of 5 required on all Essential Skills and Experience.


Acceptable Response




The response addresses the question. The response demonstrates an acceptable level of technical ability, it provides examples and displays a proven approach but in minor areas, the response lacks clarity or detail. The panel determine a moderate level of confidence in this response with minor risk to the buyer evident Stage 1: 0-10 with a minimum score of 5 required on all Essential Skills and Experience.


Good Response




The response addresses the question. The response demonstrates a good level of technical ability through the use of examples which displays a proven approach. The panel determine they have good level of confidence in this response with minimal risk to the buyer evident Stage 1: 0-10 with a minimum score of 5 required on all Essential Skills and Experience.


Excellent Response




The response is clear and specific in addressing the question. The response demonstrates an exceptional level of technical ability and standards, with robust examples which displays a proven approach. The panel determine there is a great level of confidence in this response with no identified risks to the buyer evident. Stage 1: 0-10 with a minimum score of 5 required on all Essential Skills and Experience.

3. Timeline

Publication of stage 1


Clarification period closes

22/05/2024 16:00

Deadline for suppliers to submit their stage 1 responses

29/05/2024 16:00