Procurement details: Web Presence Redevelopment and One Stop Shop Digital Platform

1. Context and requirements

Terms and acronyms

Term or acronym

As per statement of Requirements attachment


As per statement of Requirements attachment

Summary of work

This procurement includes two projects: 1. Re-development of West Yorkshire Combined Authority’s website presence This project will amalgamate the majority of sites in our web footprint, with up to 12 existing websites in scope. We plan to redevelop these into either two or three primary websites. There will be two phases of this project. Due to a brand review that is still underway for transport, the project will need to run across two financial years, with phase 2 not commencing until after the transport review has concluded in December 2024.  Phase 1 Commence autumn / winter 2024  Delivery areas in scope  - West Yorkshire Mayoral Combined Authority Corporate, Inclusive Economy and Skills website(s)  Phase 1 websites in scope West Yorkshire Combined Authority  -  YourVoice - West Yorkshire Business and Skills  -  Invest West Yorkshire  -  Future Goals  -  Trade West Yorkshire  -  Innovation Festival  -    Phase 2 Commence spring 2025  Delivery areas in scope  - Transport , active travel  Phase 2 websites in scope  Please note that the final list of websites in scope of this phase of the project may change slightly depending on the outcome of the ongoing transport brand review.  West Yorkshire Metro  -  West Yorkshire Metro Passes  -  West Yorkshire Metro Your Next Bus  -  City Connect  -  MCard  -    2. Development of Home Energy West Yorkshire One Stop Shop digital platform  The purpose of the Home Energy West Yorkshire One Stop Shop digital platform is to provide a ‘single front door’ for trusted information, advice and support to all residents and landlords in the region to stimulate demand in domestic retrofit. This includes signposting residents and landlords to other services and funding streams where relevant.    The digital platform will be a key mechanism to provide advice to residents of West Yorkshire to support them to be more confident in their ability to improve the energy efficiency of their home. It will allow for a seamless experience for residents who may between physical, digital and telephone-based modes of support. The primary objectives for this project are: • Develop a standalone digital platform which provides clear and comprehensive information, advice and support to residents of West Yorkshire on energy efficiency and domestic retrofit • Deliver a seamless customer journey for residents who may switch between physical, digital and telephone-based modes of support, and allow access to the same information. • Monitor and evaluate the interactions of residents with each aspect of the one stop shop digital platform, to allow for continuous improvement and targeted support to specific groups.

Where the supplied staff will work

Yorkshire and the Humber

Where the supplied staff will work

No specific location (for example they can work remotely)

Who the organisation using the products or services is

These Services are procured for the West Yorkshire Combined Authority

Why the work is being done

Redevelopment of the Combined Authorities website presence Since the development of our websites in 2018, West Yorkshire Combined Authority has gone through a significant period of change including becoming a Mayoral Combined Authority. This brings additional demands and expectations from stakeholders, communities, and partners. The ability for us to engage with external audiences, communicate our messages and deliver our services are not met through our current websites which are now outdated in terms of technology, design and functionality. Since the launch of our suite of core websites in 2018, our web footprint has also continued to grow with several other Combined Authority owned projects and sub-brands developing and launching their own individual websites. Our revised brand strategy sets out a more cohesive, consistent, and clear visual identity. Therefore, as part of this project we also need also need to reduce the number of websites in our online footprint to better reflect our revised brand hierarchy. Home Energy West Yorkshire One Stop Shop Digital Platform The Combined Authority is launching a new 'One Stop Shop' energy advice service, which will provide energy efficiency advice and support to all residents of West Yorkshire. The purpose of the OSS is to provide a 'single front door' for trusted information, advice and support to all residents and landlords in the region to stimulate demand in domestic retrofit. A key component of the One Stop Shop is a stand-alone digital platform which allows residents in West Yorkshire to access information in a self-service capacity, as well being integrated into a custmer relationship management system to allow for a seamless experience for residents who may move between physical, digital and telephone-based modes of support.

The business problem

Redevelopment of the Combined Authorities website presence Given the significant changes within West Yorkshire Combined Authority, with the development of a new web presence we aim to solve the following problems: Accessibility compliance: Our current websites are only partially compliant with WCAG 2.1 AA standards, a legal requirement for public sector organisations. Inflexible design systems: Our current websites offer little flexibility on how content can be displayed and pages can be built. This hampers our ability to engage in a creative way with external audiences and stakeholders. Branding in-consistencies: Our current suite of websites do not reflect our revised brand strategy / hierachy. Poor user experience: Our current websites fall short in terms of several UX areas such as responsiveness and navigation which negatively impacts our user engagement of our communications and services Outdated / poorly integrated functionality: Functionality is limited across many of our websites and does not meet current user needs, or is poorly integrated and negatively impacts the delivery of our services. Operational efficiencies: In-house website management processes use out-dated technologies for areas such as content approval and hosting which creates time and resource inefficiencies. Inability to future-proof: Our current websites are challenging to build upon / further develop meaning that they cannot be easily adapted to fit the current and future needs of the organisation. Home Energy West Yorkshire One Stop Shop Digital Platform The HEWY One Stop Shop Digital Platform will be a single front door for trusted information, advice and support to all residents and landlors in the region to stimulate demand in domestic retrofit. This includes signposting residents nd landlords to other services and funding where relevant. The digital platform will therefore enable residents to 'self-serve' information, through being able to access a range of content libraries and digital tools which provide them with bspoke and tailored information to their circumstances. The digital platform should sit within the wider Combined Authority architecture / website family, allowing the website to be serviced and security enabled in common with the wider Combined Authority architecture, and so the above description for the redevelopment project is relevant here too.

The people who will use the product or service

User type

West Yorkshire Mayoral Combined Authority Corporate


Residents and communities in West Yorkshire District leaders and local authorities Media Central government

User type

Inclusive Economy and Skills


West Yorkshire businesses (SMEs, enterprises, start-ups etc) Potential investors in the region Adult skills and employment seekers in West Yorkshire Teachers Parents and carers Young people (in and out of education)

User type

West Yorkshire Transport


Commuters Leisure travellers Park & Ride users Transport operators Parents and carers applying for school transport Cyclists, walkers and wheelers

User type

Home Energy West Yorkshire One Stop Shop


Landlords Private rental tenants Home upraders Owner-occupiers Able-to-pay households Vulnerable residents Low Income households

Any pre-market engagement done

A pre-tender market engagement event was held in May 2024 to provide potential suppliers with more detailed background on the requirements. It has been determined that there is interest in the market for the scope of work and that this framework is suitable for this procurement.

Work done so far

Nothing completed so far

Which phase the project is in

Not started

Existing team

Existing team of stakeholders includes colleagues from variety of teams: Digital & Media Digital Technology Services Marketing Media Design Commercial/ Procurement Finance Legal Information Governance EDI Home Energy West Yorkshire

Address where the work will be done

Mainly remotely

Working arrangements

Supplier will be required to work mainly remotely

Security and vetting requirements

No security clearance needed

Latest start date

30 November 2024

Expected contract length

Contract length

2 years 0 months 0 days

Optional extension

1 years 0 months 0 days

Special terms and conditions

special term or condition

Not applicable


Indicative maximum


Indicative minimum


Further information

West Yorkshire Combined Authority web presence redevelopment project - Maximum budget £400,000 + VAT Home Energy West Yorkshire One Stop Shop Digital Platform project - Maximum budget £110,000 + VAT

Contracted out service or supply of resource?

Contracted out service: the off-payroll rules do not apply

2. Assessment criteria

How many suppliers to evaluate


Technical Competence


Cultural fit


Social values




Technical competence

Essential skills and experience


Nice-to-have skills and experience


Technical questions


Essential skills and experience


Can you provide examples of similar large-scale web development projects you have completed. Please include details on the scope, challenges faced, how you ensure alignment with project timelines and budgets, and the outcomes of these projects.




Do you have experience with building websites compliant with WCAG 2.1 or 2.2 AA? Please provide examples.




Can you provide examples of websites you have developed using Umbraco CMS or Umbraco Heartcore headless CMS? Please include details on the integration of complex functionalities and third-party software.




Description: Do you have experience building customer portals / account login functionality, including CRM integration? Please provide example projects.




Do you have experience of building search functions that can use tools (e.g. faceted, sort, displays, filters, maps) to enable users to navigate and filter content from a database? Please provide examples.




Can you describe your process for conducting content audits and developing content strategies that align with SEO best practices?




Can you provide examples of how user research has informed the design and function of previous website development projects?




Please describe your experience designing and implementing new design systems? Please provide examples of a design system you have produced and an example of its implementation.




Does your project team include a full complement of roles including UX design, UI design, technical design, database design, development, infrastructure, and support?



Nice-to-have skills and experience



Technical questions


Please detail your understanding of the subject matter as it relates to the CA’s requirements. Your response should also include a succinct summary of the proposal and your understanding of the requirements.




Please describe your methodology for delivering the outputs as defined within the statement of requirements, including scoping and planning, consultation with stakeholders and as defined in the statement of requirements. What specific methodologies do you use for scoping and planning large web projects like ours?




Please detail your robust and credible approach to project and risk management and how you will ensure the project is successfully delivered within the timescales and parameter of the specification, as well as how you will handle any potential issues that may arise during the project?




How would you approach and manage a project that encountered significant challenges or failed to meet its objectives? Please provide examples of how you have successfully navigated similar situations in past projects, including any lessons learned and the steps you took to mitigate issues and deliver a successful outcome.




Please describe your approach to this redevelopment which will ensure our websites are future proofed for the evolving needs of the organisation and allow further developments if required? Please include any recommended technologies or development methods you would use to achieve this.




What is your approach to testing the functionality, usability, accessibility, and performance of websites? How do you ensure that the site functions correctly across different devices and browsers?




What strategies would you use to manage resources and make cost efficiencies between the two projects within this tender?



Cultural fit questions


How do you handle changes in project scope or unexpected challenges during a project? Can you give an example of a time when you had to adapt quickly to a significant change?




How do you ensure transparency with your clients, particularly regarding project progress, potential issues, and budget management? How do you handle accountability within your team?




Describe how you collaborate with internal teams and stakeholders throughout a project. How do you ensure that all voices are heard and integrated into the final product?



Social value questions


As per Social Value attachment, quality submission in regards to WYCA TOMs




As per Social Value attachment quantitative submission in regards to WYCA TOMs



Pricing model

Fixed price

Additional assessment methods


Question and answer session details

Not applicable

How suppliers will be scored


0% - Unacceptable




Does not meet the requirement: Does not comply and/or insufficient information provided to demonstrate that the Tenderer has the ability, understanding, experience, skills, resource & quality measures required to provide the Services, with little or no evidence to support the response.


20% - Serious Reservations




Appears to satisfy the requirement with major reservations: Considerable reservations of the Tenderer’s relevant ability, understanding, experience, skills, resources & quality measures required to provide the Services, with little or no evidence to support the response.


40% - Minor Reservations




Appears to satisfy the requirement with reservations: Some reservations of the Tenderer’s relevant ability, understanding, experience, skills, resources & quality measures required to provide the Services, with limited evidence to support the response.


60% - Acceptable (minimum threshold)




Appears to satisfy the requirement: Demonstration by the Tenderer of the relevant ability, understanding, experience, skills, resources & quality measures required to provide the Services, with evidence to support the response.


80% - Good




Satisfies the requirement and provides confidence of ability to deliver Services: Above average demonstration by the Tenderer of the relevant ability, understanding, experience, skills, resource & quality measures required to provide the Services. Response provides sufficient level of detail and evidence of a proven track record in delivering similar services so as to give the Combined Authority confidence that the Tenderer will be able to deliver the Services in a way which fully complies in all material respects with the Combined Authorities requirements.


100% - Excellent




Exceeds the requirement: As for "Good" but Tenderer additionally provides exceptional demonstration of its ability, understanding, experience, skills, resource & quality measures required to provide the Services. Response also identifies factors that will offer potential added value over and above the CA’s requirements as set out in the Specification, with evidence to support the response.

3. Timeline

Publication of stage 1


Clarification period closes

16/09/2024 16:00

Deadline for suppliers to submit their stage 1 responses

24/09/2024 16:00