Procurement details: National Biosurveillance Network - ALPHA Q1 2024 Works

1. Context and requirements

Terms and acronyms

Term or acronym



National Biosurveillance Network

Term or acronym



Biological Surveillance Strategy

Term or acronym



UK Health Security Agency

Term or acronym




Term or acronym



Statement of Requirements

Summary of work

The NBN aims to establish a dedicated home for scaled, national detection capability to help characterise and report biological risks when they do emerge, as early and reliably as possible. It brings together people, data and biosurveillance capabilities across government, academia, and industry – improving our ability to surge this actionable intelligence and collaboration in response to biological events. The Alpha phase aims to pilot shared insights and centralised decision intelligence solutions across human, animal and plant health. In doing so, it will evaluate the feasibility and value of an NBN to minimise the risks of investment before wider implementation in future Beta and Full Delivery phases. The journey of the NBN Programme, from Alpha through to delivering the final product (s) brings the following benefits: • Strengthened relationships across HMG, research and development, academia, industry and the private sector. • Strengthened communities of practice and collaboration between government organisations working in different parts of the surveillance value chain across different domains. • Enhanced capabilities for the UK to integrate with international surveillance networks during potential future global health emergencies. • Increase trust across communities (particularly vulnerable groups) in the UK’s ability to safeguard against future biological threats. • Reduced impact on economic burden: OneHealth agenda covering human, plant, environment, animal economical impact. • Create a single, scaled and accessible system for One Health surveillance that enables analytics - pulling together existing programmes to break siloes • Generate improved value from existing HMG surveillance programmes - ensuring we use all available data and minimising overlap of programmes • Harness that improved connectivity, and the unique data that government hold to leverage access to data sets we don't currently have access to that could add value The work is separated into 5 workstream (WS) 1. Establishing the foundations for a shared data and insights layer. The Alpha phase will connect syndromic respiratory data from existing human and animal surveillance systems, to prove the value of interoperability in continuous surveillance. Until the technology for a federated data platform5 becomes more widely available, the Alpha will assess the feasibility of connecting One Health data by initially bringing together targeted datasets into an existing platform owned by UKHSA and approved to external users. 2. Designing an advanced analytics framework to drive early warning. The Alpha phase will define and build advanced analytics frameworks (e.g., anomaly detection, geospatial clustering) and apply these to syndromic respiratory data across human and animal health. 3. Defining governance and ways of working to embed the use of the shared data and insights layer. The Alpha will test the value of key governance artefacts, delivered either individually or in combination to ensure widespread adoption of capabilities in WS1 and WS2 for respiratory syndromic data for human and animal health. It will build on existing work done by cross-governmental teams such as the Human Animal Infections and Risk Surveillance(HAIRS) group. 4. Developing a data science solution for decision makers to scale cost-effective environmental surveillance. In Alpha, an MVP will be developed of a live evidence-base that is continually updated with input from across government, academia, and the private sector, helping a targeted group of decision makers test whether an environment surveillance strategy: • Demonstrates ROI through more efficient sampling, storage and sequencing approach. • Augments existing initiatives and techniques to improve coverage and enhance proactive surveillance. 5. Incentivising data sharing between the private sector and HMG The Alpha will trial initiatives to encourage voluntary data sharing in two sectors. • Private veterinary laboratories (private vet labs) - Developing private vet labs into a complementary data source for AMR surveillance will bolster current surveillance, giving a much fuller picture of AMR in animals and across the One Health spectrum. • Commercial plant industries – Expanding partnerships to incentivise data access from businesses in horticulture, agriculture and forestry will help improve collaboration in response to pest and disease outbreaks. The Alpha phase aims to pilot shared insights and centralised decision intelligence solutions across human, animal and plant health. In doing so, it will evaluate the feasibility and value of an NBN to minimise the risks of investment before wider implementation in future Beta (2025 – 2028) and Full Delivery (2028 – 3033) phases. The successful supplier will be required to provide a detailed Strategic Outline Plan for all 5 WS by 31/03/2024. Please refer to the SOR document for more information about the scope of this tender/contract.

Where the supplied staff will work

No specific location (for example they can work remotely)

Who the organisation using the products or services is


Why the work is being done

One of the five priority deliverables in the refreshed Biological Security Strategy (published in 2023), the proposal for the creation of an NBN has received strong support from the Chancellor of the Duchy of Lancaster/ Deputy Prime Minister, the Biosecurity Small Ministerial Group (Dec-22) and Chief Scientific Advisors (Mar-23). The NBN Discovery was commissioned in Q4 2022. The output was a SOC (strategic outline case) which was submitted to HMT / CO / DHSC, and this has secured funding until March 2025. The output of the Alpha will be a business case to secure funding for the NBN Beta programme. Additionally, It’s demonstrating proof of concept and identifying proof of benefits as quickly as possible (i.e., prior to SR25)

The business problem

1. The NBN Discovery identified key gaps in the biosurveillance landscape, including: a. A lack of coordinated data sharing limiting collaborative action between departments and organisations. b. The full value and understanding from data are not being extracted. c. Surveillance data is often captured retrospectively, limiting our ability to respond proactively d. Gaps in surveillance capability at borders is exposing the UK to risk. e. Systems are not set up to detect deliberate misuse or accidental release of pathogens. 2. These findings have been used to develop a set of pilots to be trialled in an Alpha pilot, and if successful, iterated in a Beta phase and ultimately scaled in a Full Delivery phase. A Strategic Outline Case (SOC) to make the case for funding the initial Alpha pilot has also been developed; the SOC includes indicative estimates of the required costs for the Beta and Full Delivery phases to help evaluate value to UK taxpayers in investing in an NBN. 3. An NBN Alpha pilot has been developed with subject matter experts from both UKHSA and Defra within relevant biosurveillance areas. It has been developed alongside an independent Expert Advisory Group (EAG), with strong support from across government, including the devolved nations and the Office of Chief Scientific Advisors. 4. An Alpha pilot (work is funded to take place between Autumn 2023 and conclude by March 2025) will test the overarching NBN vision across 5 workstreams that will be piloted, tested, and validated. Annex A provides a summary of the proposed Alpha pilot. An Alpha pilot aims to: a) connect previously siloed HMG data sources; b) enhance access, understanding and use of previously untapped non-HMG data to tackle antimicrobial resistance; c) create opportunities for early warning of outbreaks; d) create optimised environmental surveillance strategies; and e) inform NBN ongoing development.

The people who will use the product or service

User type

Government and Public


HMG and member of the public will benefit from the NBN

Any pre-market engagement done

Work done so far

The NBN Discovery phase scoped the viability of a potential NBN developing a roadmap and investment case (see Annex A). The work was informed by over 300 stakeholders across 13 Government organisations to: a. Map the current biosurveillance capability and identify potential improvements (through a rapid discovery report); b. Provide an in-depth gap analysis for a short-list of use cases to define pilots for alpha and beta (through a synthesised discovery report); c. Describe the strategic, economic, commercial, financial and management case (through a Strategic Outline Case); and d. Develop a blue-sky vision report for an NBN, based on the scientific and technological developments which are likely to materialise in the future to 2030 and onwards. This approach is to showcase the art of the possible, where the policy or economic constraints, practicalities and limitations of today’s system are ignored.

Which phase the project is in


Existing team

SRO, DSRO, Programme Director, Senior Scientific Advisor, Senior Policy Lead

Address where the work will be done

The work is expected to be done remotely, the Service Provide personnel may occasionally be required from UKHSA sites.

Working arrangements

Working arrangement is expected to be remote, with occasional travel to UKHSA sites. The Service Provider would be able to claim expense in accordance with UKHSA expense policy.

Security and vetting requirements

Baseline Personnel Security Standard (BPSS)

Latest start date

2 January 2024

Expected contract length

Contract length

0 years 3 months 0 days

Optional extension

Special terms and conditions


Indicative maximum


Indicative minimum


Further information

Estimated maximum spend under this contract (3 months term) is £1.6m (excl. VAT)

Contracted out service or supply of resource?

Contracted out service: the off-payroll rules do not apply

2. Assessment criteria

How many suppliers to evaluate


Technical Competence


Cultural fit


Social values




Technical competence

Essential skills and experience


Nice-to-have skills and experience

Technical questions


Essential skills and experience


Demonstrate your experience in undertaking projects of a similar nature and your expertise in the subject matter Your response should include: • at least 1 case study (not included in word count) which summarises your approach and illustrates the key points below. Case study must not exceed 500 words. • CVs of your staff/personnel that you propose to work on this project/contract, summary of their roles and how they will contribute to the project outcomes




Demonstrate your communication, collaboration, and stakeholder engagement skills Your answer should include your approach to • conveying complex and capability landscapes in an impactful, synthesized way • how you will engage with expert stakeholders effectively without the detailed domain they hold • your understanding of the key stakeholders, and identifying any commonalities across government • how you will communicate these complex issues and findings to a wider audience




How can you work within budget constraints, stakeholder availability and existing services and technologies? Your answer should include your approach to working in a constrained fast moving and politically sensitive environment ** The below question is a mandatory question that will not be scored (The Authority may exclude any bidder that fails to provide a response to this questions) Please confirm that your organisation can commence work from the 02/01/2024 (being the proposed Service/Contract Commencement Date).



Nice-to-have skills and experience



Technical questions


How do you propose to deliver this part of the NBN Alpha phase of the programme, that will allow further phases to be built, using a clear, workable strategic outline, and allow us to carry momentum into FY24/25? Your answer should demonstrate, but not be limited to: • your approach to informing and developing a strategic outline for Year 2 of the National Biosurveillance Network, • your approach to ensuring NBN achieves appropriate linkages and explores interdependencies across all workstreams • your approach to exploring cost-effective options, and identifying synergies between existing systems / platforms / datasets




What is your proposed approach to working with information governance to develop data sharing agreements Your answer should describe your approach to • collating existing data sharing agreements, • understanding those that are required and not in place • the creations and agreement of new or changed data sharing agreements



Cultural fit questions


How will you apply the principles of user-centred design and insights to assess the needs of identified users for all phases of the project Your answer should demonstrate but not be limited to: • your approach to project planning, including risk management • your approach to applying the principles of user-centred design to the project • how you propose to use discovery to develop Use Cases • how you will match the proposed functionality to the Use Cases



Social value questions


Please provide evidence of activities / initiatives conducted within the UK by your organisation to improve local areas. Also please include in your response any new activities / initiatives that you propose to deliver as part of this contract to help improve local areas within the UK.



Pricing model

Fixed price

Additional assessment methods


Question and answer session details

How suppliers will be scored


Not met




Failure to understand and/or failure to substantial failure to provide and/or provides no confidence that the requirement will be delivered.


Partially met - gives concern in a number of significant areas




The response meets elements of the requirement but gives concern in a number of significant areas. There are reservations because the response shows: • Some misunderstandings of the requirements; • Generally, a low level of information and detail provided; • The Tenderer fails to meet the requirement in many ways and/or materially in one or more ways; • Provides insufficient confidence that the Tenderer’s proposal will meet and deliver the requirements;


Broadly met - there are some areas of concern




The response broadly meets what is expected for the criteria. There are some areas of concern. The response therefore shows: • The Tenderer, generally, understands and addresses issues appropriately; • Some areas of misunderstanding of the requirements; • A generally low level of information and detail provided; • More of a “model answer” than a true commitment; • The response only provides some confidence that the Tenderer’s proposal will deliver requirements;






The response clearly meets the required standard in all material respects. There are no significant areas of concern. The response therefore shows: • A good understanding of the issues; • A good level of detail; • Demonstrable evidence that the proposals are achievable; • The response therefore provides a good level of confidence the Tenderer’s proposal will deliver the requirements;






The response clearly exceeds many aspects of the criteria. There are no significant areas of concern. The response therefore shows: • A very good understanding of the requirements; • Clear, detailed proposals of how and what will be delivered; and • The response therefore provides a high degree of confidence that the Tenderer’s proposal will meet the requirements.

3. Timeline

Publication of stage 1


Clarification period closes

27/10/2023 16:00

Deadline for suppliers to submit their stage 1 responses
