Digital Outcomes opportunities

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10 results found in All lots

  • Participant recruitment and incentive payments

    Department For Education

    North East England, North West England, Yorkshire and the Humber, East Midlands, West Midlands, East of England, London, South East England, South West England, International (outside the UK)

    Value: £250000 - £300000

    <span style="font-weight: 400;">Find users with the required attributes and characteristics to test a digital product or service.</span>

    Closed : awaiting outcome

    1. Participant recruitment from various user groups to take part in user research activities that contribute to the design of DfE services. Recruitment will be from user groups across children’s services, education and skills in England, and occasionally the rest of the UK and international. This includes a diverse range of people who work in or are users of services in early years, schools, teaching, further education, apprenticeships and wider skills. 2. Payment of incentives to recruited participants. 3. Payment of a small number of incentives-only (i.e. to participants self-recruited by DfE, as a secondary supplier alongside a separate payment solutions supplier).

  • Participant Recruitment for DWP Digital Modernisation

    Department For Work and Pensions

    North East England, North West England, Yorkshire and the Humber, East Midlands, West Midlands, East of England, London, South East England, South West England, Scotland, Wales

    <span style="font-weight: 400;">Find users with the required attributes and characteristics to test a digital product or service.</span>

    Closed : awarded

    DWP Digital Modernisation requires participant recruitment for regular user research activities. These will be a mixture of face-to-face, video calls, telephony and surveys. We are looking for suppliers who can recruit participants who reflect the diverse make-up of people that use or could use DWP services, across paper, telephony and online channels. The services we are focusing on include: Bereavement, Care, Retirement, Appeals, Children and Family services, across paper, telephony and online channels. We are looking for an Agency who is able to complete non-digital recruitment directly to digitally excluded people and through third party organisations.

  • User Research Participants for Digital Identity​

    Cabinet Office


    Value: up to £150000

    <span style="font-weight: 400;">Find users with the required attributes and characteristics to test a digital product or service.</span>

    Closed : awaiting outcome

    To provide participant recruitment services for user research in the One Login Programme at GDS.

  • PROC-690-2023 - Provision of Research Recruitment Agency for the Competition and Markets Authority (CMA)

    Competition & Markets Authority

    North East England, North West England, Yorkshire and the Humber, East Midlands, West Midlands, East of England, London, South East England, South West England, Scotland, Wales, Northern Ireland

    Value: up to £50000

    <span style="font-weight: 400;">Find users with the required attributes and characteristics to test a digital product or service.</span>

    Closed : awaiting outcome

    The Competition Markets Authority (CMA) is wanting to appoint a Research Recruitment Agency to find requires suitable participants for its digital projects. A call-off contract to recruit participants from UK companies to attend research sessions. The objective is to procure a strategic partner to help provide research recruitment services. This includes: • Providing a diverse pool of research participants with a wide range of demographics based across the UK. • Provide profiles of proposed research participants ahead of CMA’s research rounds. • Manage the participates schedule inline with CMA requests and availability. • Manage the consent and participates incentive payments. Candidates will be asked to participate in either moderated or unmoderated research, which is marised below. All sessions will be held remotely: • Moderated research – The candidates will be asked to undertake usability testing for each of the services to understand where improvements can be made ahead of moving each service to the Live phase. The sessions will be held online through Microsoft Teams where a member of the CMA’s research team will introduce the participant to an application where they will be asked to complete some tasks and provide feedback to the research team. These sessions usually run for about an hour. • Un-moderated research – Candidates will be given time to test an application in their own time, typically walking through the application and completing the process. A survey will be provided by the CMA research team for the candidate to complete to provide feedback on the application. These sessions usually take the candidates around 30 minuets.

  • Call off contract for Participant Recruitment from UK companies

    Department For Work and Pensions

    North East England, North West England, Yorkshire and the Humber, East Midlands, West Midlands, East of England, London, South East England, South West England, Scotland, Wales, Northern Ireland

    <span style="font-weight: 400;">Find users with the required attributes and characteristics to test a digital product or service.</span>

    Closed : awaiting outcome

    Call-off contract to recruit participants from UK companies to attend user research sessions for Universal Credit and Working Age at the Department for Work and Pensions

  • DBS User Research Participants 2024

    D B S

    North West England

    Value: up to £40000

    <span style="font-weight: 400;">Find users with the required attributes and characteristics to test a digital product or service.</span>

    Closed : awaiting outcome

    Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS) requires participant recruitment for regular user research activities. The objective of the advert is to procure participants for regular user research days for services being developed by DBS.

  • RM1043.8-3- UKHSA LSRS286 Research participant Recruitment Service

    UK Health Security Agency

    North East England, North West England, Yorkshire and the Humber, East Midlands, West Midlands, East of England, London, South East England, South West England

    Value: £0 - £1200000

    <span style="font-weight: 400;">Find users with the required attributes and characteristics to test a digital product or service.</span>

    Closed : awaiting outcome

    The User-Centred Design (UCD) Division of the UK Health Security Agency has an ongoing requirement for a supplier of individual participants for research within user-centred design work. The UCD Division provides operational research and design support to other teams conducting UCD work across the Agency. UCD requires a supplier to provide participants that meet specific requirements (outlined in Section 5.5 of the Statement of Requirements), which will be uniquely defined by expert UCD professionals at each use of the contract. The UCD professionals will be either from the UCD Division or from elsewhere in the Agency. The UCD Division is working to embed UCD principles and practices across UKHSA and therefore it is critical that we have access to a supplier who will enable delivery of UCD work. This means that we are embedding GDS and NHS standards in all our work and conducting research with a wide range of participants from different background and with different accessibility needs. As part of the operational research support provides to other UCD teams, we also encourage other UCD work to embed those same standards. The role of the supplier will be to provide participants to enable the delivery of user research conducted by the UCD Division or by other UCD teams in the organisation. The Supplier would be required to: Provide research participants that meet the needs of the UCD Division and other UCD teams when building/testing services, policies and products in government, being able to meet the supply need based on our predicted volumes of participants. Provide research participants in line with enabling GSS and NHSSS, meaning participants that may be harder to reach, as well as from a range of socio-economic background, religions, ethnicities and access needs. Provide research participants in line with enabling GSS and NHSSS, from a range of user groups such as members of the public and patients, as well as other professional groups such as GPs, nurses, health and care workers, teachers and many other core user groups. This could include more complex or niche roles (e.g., those working with poisons in the UK) where a supplier may still need to support teams in finding participants. Partnering with other organisations where the suppliers own recruitment channels have been exhausted. Remaining flexible in supplying participants within our predicted volumes by working with the UCD Division to keep abreast of upcoming projects and demands. Projects can often occur in parallel, or demand may increase or decrease at different times. Delivering research participants in line with timelines typically associated with an agile delivery framework where discovery, alpha and beta phases are delivered in sprints with short turnaround times See Statement of requirement for further details

  • WP2186 User Research Participants for OneLogin

    Cabinet Office

    North West England, London, South West England

    Value: up to £250000

    <span style="font-weight: 400;">Find users with the required attributes and characteristics to test a digital product or service.</span>

    Closed : awaiting outcome

    To provide participant recruitment services for user research in the One Login Programme at GDS. GDS is delivering One Login; a single, ubiquitous way for users to sign in and, where necessary, prove their identity to access government services that are secure and user-centred.

  • User Research Recruitment Agency for end users to partake in Research SR1345761533

    H M Revenue & Customs

    North East England, North West England, Yorkshire and the Humber, East Midlands, West Midlands, East of England, London, South East England, South West England, Scotland, Wales, Northern Ireland, International (outside the UK)

    Value: up to £912000

    <span style="font-weight: 400;">Find users with the required attributes and characteristics to test a digital product or service.</span>

    Closed : awarded

    HMRC require a 24 month contract for the use of user research recruitment agencies to work as partners to recruit external end users (citizens and business users), which are located in the UK (including NI) and Overseas to part take in user research to gain user insights to support the build of our digital services. The type of users HMRC will need to recruit, but are not exhaustive to are - Importers/exporters, sole traders, Making Tax Digital - PAYE/Self-assessment, prospective applicants for Child Benefit, Landlords, high income earners, inyear calculations within SA and Hidden Economies in Northern Ireland, Taxi drivers and Private and Users with English as a second language. HMRC also require users such as accessibility and assisted digital users. The users required are a mixture of those already using digital services and those who do not. HMRC Digital Strategy underpins our vision setting out how we will redesign our services to become a digital organisation, meeting the Government Standards for designing digital services to meet user needs as outlined by the Government Service Manual. HMRC need to recruit users for research, both individuals and business customers (small, medium and large) that use or may need to use HMRC's services. Research participants are required for projects which are complex, for example but not exhaistive, traders who export inside and outside of the UK and those that live outside of the UK. Participants are also required for straightforward projects, for example users who regularly submit self assessment returns or use agents. The requirement will include remote and face to face research. HMRC expect approximately 70% Remote use of Microsoft teams or UserZoom or go to meeting 30% F2F. As well as contract management and recruitment queries being processed via email and telephone, recruitment requests will be submitted and progressed through the project via the use of Trello. The supplier must be able to engage with HMRC via Trello.

  • Provision of User Research Participants

    Intellectual Property Office

    London, South West England, Wales

    <span style="font-weight: 400;">Find users with the required attributes and characteristics to test a digital product or service.</span>

    Closed : awaiting outcome

    Continuing the work done in Phase 1 of the Intellectual Property Office's One IPO Transformation Programme to create a single, integrated One IPO system for all our registered Intellectual Property (IP) rights, One IPO Transformation is entering Phase 2 which will focus on digitising our trade mark and design services. Within Phase 2, various workstreams will be undertaking multiple rounds of user research to assist with the development of this new digital service. This is a call-off contract to recruit participants from the profiles detailed to attend user research sessions with the Intellectual Property Office and have their chance to shape the future of our digital services.