Procurement details: RM1043.8-1-Sport England 1193A - Investment Technology Proof of Concept
1. Context and requirements
Which phase the project is in
Existing team
The existing full-time team consists of a Senior Product Manager, acting as Technical Programme Lead, and a Strategic Operations Lead, acting as Investment Programme Lead. We also have access to in-house resource across various SME areas.
Address where the work will be done
Sport England, 10 South Colonade, London, E14 5EA Sport England, SportPark, 3 Oakwood Drive, Loughborough, LE11 3QF Sport England, Bisham Abbey National Sports Centre, Marlow Road, Bisham, Malow, SL7 1RR
Working arrangements
Standard office hours to be followed in line with working practices of Sport England. Work is typically to be remote, though there will be occasions for ad-hoc on-site meetings and workshops typically in our Canary Wharf offices. No expenses will be paid throughout the duration of the project unless prior approval is given.
Provide more information about your security requirements
No security clearance needed
Provide more information about your security requirements (optional)
No security clearance needed. All suppliers visiting our London office will be issued with a visitor pass and escorted at all times. Our Loughborough and Bisham Abbey offices do not require passes.
Latest start date
Enter the expected contract length
3 months
Extension period
3 months
Are you prepared to show your budget details?
Indicative maximum
Maximum budget for the Proof of Concept phase is £200,000 (NET).
Confirm if you require a contracted out service or supply of resource
Contracted out service: the off-payroll rules do not apply
Summary of work
SE require a team with strong technical experience to develop the foundational infrastructure to validate the technical feasibility of creating a modular microservices cloud-native system. The supplier will develop a limited functionality product and lay the foundations for ongoing development. Please see attached Draft Stage 2 ITQ for further information
Where the supplied staff will work
No specific location (for example they can work remotely)
Why the work is being done
Sport England are commencing an iterative, agile-focused investment technology project, based on microservice and cloud-native principles, to replace legacy technology which underpins investment of our National Lottery and Exchequer funding in line with Uniting the Movement. To ensure high quality project governance, we seek to implement a Proof of Concept (PoC) by 31 March 2025, with a formal gate review to proceed to the development of an end-to-end solution which will replace our legacy technology.
The business problem you need to solve
The organisation is currently using outdated legacy technology to manage our end-to-end investment process, creating business continuity risk and resulting in significant additional manual handling. Please see attached Draft Stage 2 ITQ for further information.
First user type
As an applicant, I need to provide full details about my proposed project so that this can be considered for grant award. As an administrator I need a to be able assess, decide and process grant applications in detail and high volume as efficiently and effectively as possible so that we can maximise value for money in funding distribution. As a business planner, I need our investment system to link to our wider technology estate; so that I can measure end-to-end business performance. As a programme lead, I need to have integrated compliance tools; so that we can maintain our anti-fraud requirements as a public funder.
Security and vetting requirements
Expected contract length
Terms and acronyms
Set your budget
The people who will use your product or service
2. Assessment Criteria
Select your pricing model
Capped time and materials
Additional assessment methods
Create your scoring criteria
How many suppliers to evaluate
Technical competence
Cultural fit
Social value
Essential skills and experience
Nice-to-have skills and experience (optional)
Technical questions
Describe the essential skill or experience:
1. Knowledge and experience in leading the design and development of systems using microservices and cloud-native principles, including APIs implementation (A) 2. Experience in creating efficient databases and integration with other system components (A). 3. Experience in setting up and scaling cloud services using Microsoft Azure (B). 4. Experience in applying security best practice to meet industry standards and protect sensitive data (B). 5. Previous creation of resilient and fault-tolerant systems (B). 6. Experience working with FinTech and back-end builds (B). 7. Certifications in: Azure, TOGAF and Cyber Essentials (B). 8. Experience working with a government department and Arms-Length Body (C). 9. Domain knowledge of grant making operational and organisational processes (C). 10. Experience building and operating high volume financial transactional systems (C)
Enter a weighting for this skill or experience in whole numbers, for example 30
Explain the technical question:
A) Core Architecture and Development • Include what tools, frameworks and platforms you propose to use in creation of the POC with focus on delivering the suitable modular microservices and cloud-native architecture. • Propose how your solution could integrate with third-party tools or services, such as a Know Your Customer (KYC) tool.
Explain the technical question:
B) Operations, Scalability and Security Please explain how your solution will ensure scalability, flexibility, and security for future development. Your answer should include: • An estimated timeline for the PoC, including key milestones and deliverables. • How you will ensure the project stays on track and within the agreed timeframe. • How your approach will meet appropriate security standards. • How your approach will ensure the solution can be extended and enhanced in future phases of development, providing a foundation for building the wider system.
Explain the technical question:
C) Transferable Experience Please provide evidence that demonstrates your experience and expertise in delivering, and managing, projects in a similar organisation(s) or those with a similar purpose or requirements. Your answer should include examples from specific previous projects with relevant dates and cover the following: 1. Clear articulation of the government department, Arms-Length Body or investment management design similarities. 2. The roles and responsibilities of the team in delivering the project(s). 3. How the staff experience and expertise linked to delivery of the project(s). 4. Knowledge and experience of delivering similar services (developing microservices and cloud-native core architecture, operating in agile sprints, integrating third-party tools, etc.) to a high standard. 5. Examples of work with multiple user groups and stakeholders.
Explain the technical question:
D) Delivery Approach Please describe your proposed approach to the management of the programme, and the account. • State how you will deliver and manage the proposed deliverables in Section 4.1, clearly outlining the roles within your team and the experience of key personnel, including their day rates. • Provide a high-level breakdown of the roles, estimated days required for each and over what timeframe, to deliver the POC based on the information currently available. Include any resource of support you anticipate needing from Sport England. • Include a suggested project plan/roadmap for the contract including any key milestones.
Enter a weighting for this technical question in whole numbers, for example 30
Enter a weighting for this technical question in whole numbers, for example 30
Enter a weighting for this technical question in whole numbers, for example 30
Enter a weighting for this technical question in whole numbers, for example 30
Your question
Please describe your proposed approach to the management of the programme, and the account, in line with your technical answer. Your answer should: • State how you will deliver and manage the proposed deliverables, clearly outlining the roles within your team and the experience of key personnel, including their day rates. • Provide a high-level breakdown of the roles, estimated days required for each and over what timeframe, to deliver the POC based on the information currently available. Include any resource of support you anticipate needing from Sport England. • Include a suggested project plan/roadmap for the contract including any key milestones.
Enter a weighting for this question
Explain the social value question
As an arms-length body, Sport England must take account Social Value in the award of contracts. This is a government initiative to ensure public sector contracts take account of the additional social benefits that can be achieved in their delivery, using policy outcomes aligned with this Government’s priorities. Social Value Policy Outcome: Improving supplier diversity and promoting innovation. Social Value Award Criteria: MAC3.1 Create a diverse supply chain to deliver the contract including new businesses and entrepreneurs, start-ups, SMEs, VCSEs and mutuals. Describe any commitment your organisation will make to ensure that opportunities under the contract deliver the Policy Outcome and Award Criteria. Your response should set out how you will implement your commitment and monitor, measure, and report on the impact of your proposal. Organisations can find detail around example activities that could be relevant to demonstrate their commitment here:
Enter a weighting for this question
About assessment criteria and evaluation weightings
How you will score suppliers
Set the overall weighting
Technical competence
Essential skills and experience
Nice-to-have skills and experience
Technical questions
Write your cultural fit questions
Write your social value questions
3. Timeline
Publication of stage 1
December 6, 2024, 7:37 PM
Clarification period closes
December 9, 2024, 12:00 PM
Deadline for suppliers to submit their stage 1 responses
December 11, 2024, 12:00 PM