Procurement details: RM1043.8-1-Government Legal Department Intranet Redevelopment - Alpha and Beta Phases-closed
1. Context and requirements
About adding context and requirements
Pre-market engagement
Work done so far
A discovery was completed in February 2024 which identified a prioritised list of user stories developed from user and business needs, opportunities to improve and a potential technical design approach to meet the needs. The recommendation from discovery was to prototype and test the following in alpha in SharePoint Modern: - different approaches to a devolved publishing workflow allowing a level of self-publication for teams and automating site creation - an improved information architecture and interaction design that aligns to government digital design patterns This establishes the preferred technological approach for the beta phase.
Which phase the project is in
Existing team
The supplier will work with digital specialists and subject matter experts at GLD in an Agile multidisciplinary team to deliver the alpha. GLD will provide: - programme manager - subject matter experts (from the Communications team) - M365 developers - business engagement manager - content designer
Address where the work will be done
Government Legal Department, 102 Petty France, London SW1H 9GL
Working arrangements
The majority of work can be completed remotely. However, to help develop a collaborative agile team culture, the supplier should be able to attend workshops and meetings with stakeholders in our London office from time to time. Any travel and subsistence expenses should be within those costs budgeted at the outset of the project and shown separately. All travel and subsistence expenses will need prior approval.
Provide more information about your security requirements
Baseline Personnel Security Standard (BPSS)
Latest start date
Enter the expected contract length
6 months
Special terms and conditions
This contract will be formed of alpha and beta stages. If the delivery of alpha is successful, the Buyer will choose to proceed with beta. If the alpha stage is unsuccessful or the Buyer chooses not to proceed with beta the contract will be terminated and no further costs incurred.
Write the term or acronym
Write the term or acronym
Explain the term or acronym
The name of Government Legal Department's intranet
Explain the term or acronym
Government Legal Department
Are you prepared to show your budget details?
Indicative maximum
Indicative minimum
Confirm if you require a contracted out service or supply of resource
Contracted out service: the off-payroll rules do not apply
Summary of work
Delivery of the alpha and beta phases of an intranet redesign project, updating it from SharePoint Classic to SharePoint Modern.
Where the supplied staff will work
Where the supplied staff will work
No specific location (for example they can work remotely)
Why the work is being done
The current version of the intranet has been in use since 2016 and is based on SharePoint Classic, which is no longer being supported by Microsoft. Alongside the functionality issues being caused by the outdated technology, the discovery phase also identified access and usability issues for end users and a number of opportunities to improve.
The business problem you need to solve
The following pain points were identified in the discovery phase: - The current structure, design and navigation is preventing users from accessing the information they need - The layout doesn't work well with smaller screens - Users with assisted digital requirements are having difficulties using certain parts of the intranet - There are significant access issues for employees based in other government departments which means they cannot get core information and don't feel part of GLD - The ‘People Finder’ tool isn’t providing useful results - The current publishing model causes a bottleneck for internal teams The opportunities to improve are: - Improved information architecture and interaction design that aligns to government digital design patterns - A devolved publishing model that allows a level of self-publication and content management for teams - Workflow authorisation and site creation automation using PowerAutomate workflow functionality - Fully WCAG 2.2 compliant, for web content on a variety of desktops, laptops, tablets, and mobile devices - Integration with MS Apps (OneDrive, M365, Office (inc. SharePoint), ServiceNow, and any other required integrations
First user type
Intranet users
First user type
Content publishers
Enter more details about this user type
GLD employees using GLD IT and GLD employees based in other government departments using their IT
Enter more details about this user type
GLD employees who have permission to publish content for their business area
Security and vetting requirements
Expected contract length
Terms and acronyms
Set your budget
The people who will use your product or service
2. Assessment Criteria
About assessment criteria
Select your pricing model
Capped time and materials
Additional assessment methods
Additional assessment methods
Case study
Create your scoring criteria
How many suppliers to evaluate
Technical competence
Cultural fit
Social value
Essential skills and experience
Nice-to-have skills and experience (optional)
Technical questions
Describe the essential skill or experience:
Expertise in iteratively prototyping, designing and building services in SharePoint Modern which meet both user needs and the GOV.UK Digital Service Standard
Describe the essential skill or experience:
Experience of using agile methodology to deliver services at all phases of the product lifecycle (discovery, alpha, beta, live)
Describe the essential skill or experience:
Expertise in migrating data from legacy systems
Describe the essential skill or experience:
Experience of working in integrated teams with customers and other suppliers
Describe the essential skill or experience:
Proven experience of communicating with a range of stakeholders, advocating for user needs and working to the government Service Manual
Describe the essential skill or experience:
Knowledge of technical and security standards aligned with the Technology Code of Practice
Enter a weighting for this skill or experience in whole numbers, for example 30
Enter a weighting for this skill or experience in whole numbers, for example 30
Enter a weighting for this skill or experience in whole numbers, for example 30
Enter a weighting for this skill or experience in whole numbers, for example 30
Enter a weighting for this skill or experience in whole numbers, for example 30
Enter a weighting for this skill or experience in whole numbers, for example 30
Describe the nice-to-have skill or experience:
Enter a weighting for this skill or experience in whole numbers, for example 30
Explain the technical question:
Outline your proposed approach to delivering the alpha and beta phases of the intranet redesign.
Explain the technical question:
How would you ensure that the new intranet meets the required WCAG accessibility standards?
Explain the technical question:
Outline your approach to resolving intranet access issues for those employees who are based in other government departments using non-GLD IT equipment?
Explain the technical question:
Outline any anticipated risks and dependencies, and your approach to managing them.
Explain the technical question:
Provide a realistic timeframe for both the alpha and beta phases of the project.
Enter a weighting for this technical question in whole numbers, for example 30
Enter a weighting for this technical question in whole numbers, for example 30
Enter a weighting for this technical question in whole numbers, for example 30
Enter a weighting for this technical question in whole numbers, for example 30
Enter a weighting for this technical question in whole numbers, for example 30
Your question
Demonstrate how you have worked collaboratively and transparently with stakeholders and multidisciplinary project teams.
Your question
Demonstrate how you have successfully delivered agile projects in non-agile environments. What were the challenges and how did you overcome them?
Enter a weighting for this question
Enter a weighting for this question
Explain the social value question
Please provide evidence of your actions to invest in the wellbeing and the mental and physical health of the workforce would be allocated to this contract.
Explain the social value question
Detail how your organisation seeks to reduce its impact on the environment with reference to climate change.
Enter a weighting for this question
Enter a weighting for this question
About assessment criteria and evaluation weightings
How you will score suppliers
Set the overall weighting
Technical competence
Essential skills and experience
Nice-to-have skills and experience
Technical questions
Write your cultural fit questions
Write your social value questions
3. Timeline
Publication of stage 1
June 20, 2024, 12:47 PM
Clarification period closes
June 28, 2024, 5:00 PM
Deadline for suppliers to submit their stage 1 responses
July 19, 2024, 5:00 PM